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Re: Microsoft pays cash, not vouchers, in Iowa

__/ [ Kelsey Bjarnason ] on Thursday 19 April 2007 19:01 \__

> On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 06:29:42 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Kelsey Bjarnason ] on Thursday 19 April 2007 05:34 \__
>>> On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 17:52:35 -0700, nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>> Quote:
>>>> ---------------
>>>> Microsoft Corp. agreed Wednesday to pay Iowans up to $180 million to
>>>> settle a class-action lawsuit that claimed the company had a monopoly
>>>> that cost the state's citizens millions of dollars extra for software
>>>> products.
>>>> ----------------
>>>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070418/ap_on_hi_te/microsoft_settlement_2
>>> "Companies with multiple copies can seek vouchers that will enable them
>>> to buy computer equipment and software."
>>> Er... umm... er... if the issue is them having a monopoly, how is
>>> providing vouchers to be used on buying software - presumably MS software
>>> - going to help the situation?
>> Luckily they can now buy Dells with Linux preloaded, so they needn't pay
>> Microsoft a penny.
> Any bets there are some sort of strings attached?

Yes, and I found them an hour ago. I can't recall the details exactly, but
it's something along the lines of "Iowans get $29 off Microsoft software".
Don't bet on it. IIRC, the source was simply not worth quoting.

Okay, I got it now...


"For each copy of Microsoft Windows or MS-DOS, customers can claim $16 a
copy, Microsoft Excel is worth $25 a copy and Microsoft Office, $29 a copy."

If true, having just quickly glanced at the rest, this is utterly disgusting.
It's a discount, so Microsoft still /earns/ from this. The discounts make
its product seem attractive (a bargain). I am sure that California made some
forms available for people to apply for hardware purchased at schools.

                ~~ With kind regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Yes, I know, but does it run Linux?"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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