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Re: [News] New British Distribution is Based on Ubuntu Linux

__/ [ [H]omer ] on Friday 20 April 2007 02:33 \__

> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> BabelDisc: Linux for technophobes?
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | BabelDisc, the brainchild of U.K. Internet pioneer and Pipex founder
>> | Peter Dawe, is a lightweight Ubuntu-based distribution that runs only
>> | from a CD and does not even require the host PC to have a hard drive,
>> | opting instead for subscriber-based hosted storage.
>> `----
>> http://news.com.com/2100-7344_3-6177188.html
>> Here is their Web site:
>> http://www.babeldisk.com/
>> Even Peter Dawe cannot ignore the inevitable rise of Linux. He wants to be
>> part of it.
> Ha! He *certainly* does:
> .----
> | 16. Do things change if Microsoft Vista is installed on my PC,
> | instead of Windows XP or 2000 ?
> |
> | No. You can bypass Vista and all its costs, viruses and complexities
> | in exactly the same way as you bypass Windows XP, 2000, 98 or 95
> | (insert BabelDisc and turn on the power). You will get the same
> | service (and the same ability to use Vista at any stage if you really
> | want to).
> |
> | (It's hard to see why anyone would want to switch from Windows XP to
> | Vista, unless Microsoft forces you to do it).
> `----
>  - http://www.babeldisk.com/FAQ.php
> If a "Serial entrepreneur", and major British business luminary, such as
> Peter Dawe thinks *this* negatively about Vista, what does that imply
> about the way the *rest* of British industry perceives it?
> This guy is a major businessman, he is motivated by money, and yet he
> has no faith in the ability of proprietary software to provide a solution.
> LOL! Vista has killed the proprietary software market.
> Fantastic!
> Go Microsoft!

Dell has just been pressured to offer XP again. It had results. People will
not be forced to buy Vista, so there's hope for increased sales (of Ubuntu
7.04 or XP). I am beginning to think that the following open letter might
articulate Microsoft's last chance to earn a few more years of survival.

An Open Letter to Microsoft: Re-Release Windows XP

,----[ Quote ]
| It's time to sober up on Windows Vista. This just isn't working out,
| and your users are getting frustrated to the point where they're souring
| on Windows altogether. In case you haven't seen some of the more
| noteworthy blog posts on this topic, I refer you to Chris Pirillo,
| Scot's Newsletter, or Spend Matters. Or check out the recent bug
| reports regarding product activation and security flaws. This is all
| stuff I managed to dredge up that was written yesterday.
| People are unhappy with Vista. Really unhappy. And though I know Microsoft
| has its own form of Steve Jobs' reality distortion field, it certainly
| can't keep you from seeing at least some of the sobering sales figures and 
| the crush of disappointing reviews of Vista. I don't want to dredge up all 
| the reasons people are unhappy with Vista in this letter. I want to talk 
| about what you ought to do stop a mass migration to Linux and the Mac.
|                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


                ~~ With kind regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Holey (sic) Cow! Longhorn is full of holes...
http://Schestowitz.com  |  RHAT GNU/Linux   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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