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[News] Linux Becomes a Big Problem for Microsoft; Spendings Rise, Windows Goes Cheap

Image Gallery: Will Negroponte's One Laptop Per Child be a problem for

,----[ Quote ]
| After all, at the same time Microsoft is launching new versions of
| its flagship operating system and office suite, it is getting
| challenged on numerous fronts. There's all the big Googlesque
| money behind Web-based suites. There's the OpenDocument Format
| (that's threatening to ameliorate the addictive parts of
| Microsoft Office).
| And then there's the OLPC. Microsoft has at times said that the
| international market is one of the growth areas with the most
| potential for its business. But what if millions of kids are
| growing up on Linux. Doesn't that create just the slightest
| disposition towards a non-Microsoft operating system?


Gordon has already talked about Microsoft new attack plan on Linux. It would
never work though because people rarely paid for Windows in the first.

I.T.'s Top 81 R&D Spenders

,----[ Quote ]
| A burst of investing in 2006 was mostly aimed at shoring up existing 
| product lines and was concentrated among the biggest firms, like
| Microsoft, Intel and Google.
| [...]
| The biggest spender was Microsoft, with $6.58 billion. The software
| giant was an exception in that a lot of its R&D spending was devoted
| to new products aimed at businesses, including Office 2007 and the
| Vista operating system. But Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft also
| plowed significant sums into its Xbox 360 gaming console and Internet
| search.


Microsoft significantly raised its spendings last year, only to see its
profits sliding. Without a cash cow (now at great danger), it would report
stunning loses (every new project seems like a huge flop).

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