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Re: [News] British Entrepreneur Plans to Make GNU/Linux Popular in the UK

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [ Mark Kent ] on Wednesday 18 April 2007 16:03 \__
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> __/ [ Mark Kent ] on Wednesday 18 April 2007 12:53 \__
>>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>>> __/ [ John Bailo ] on Wednesday 18 April 2007 02:02 \__
>>>>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>>>> A Linux for the rest of us?
>>>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>>>> | Serial entrepreneur Peter Dawe, who helped bring the internet to the
>>>>>>> | UK, is launching a "safe" Linux distro tailored for the technophobe.
>>>>>>> `----
>>>>>>> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/04/17/babellinux/
>>>>>>> When Mark Shuttleworth set its eyes on a similar goal he was quite
>>>>>>> successful.
>>>>>> That is good...but it's a day late and a dollar short.
>>>>>> SUSE has the pole position.  Xgl is lighting fast.
>>>>>> If you go Suse, you win.
>>>>> He could fork Opensuse if he wanted. I don't think any distributors does
>>>>> this, but many adopt Debian, RHEL, and Ubuntu.
>>>> Debian-based distros are more likely to be the future to my mind.  The
>>>> only thing SuSE has pole position on is some dubious deal with
>>>> Microsoft, as far as I know.
>>> Novell has been eerily quiet recently. I hope no storm is on its way.
>> Well, presumably, since Novell customers are indemnified against
>> Microsoft patent attacks, the truetype font rendering issue is moot even
>> in the US and Australia for them?
>> No doubt Microsoft are busy explaining to an increasingly frustrated
>> Novell legal team why the indemnification applies to everything /except/
>> the truetype font issue...
> Well, the public asks similar questions, so at least it's common knowledge
> now.
> BTW, more details are now available.
> http://news.com.com/BabelDisc+Linux+for+technophobes/2100-7344_3-6177188.html
> Peter Dawe will do a lightweight derivative of Ubuntu GNU/Linux. If I find
> something juicy about this, maybe I'll make a standalone post.
> To be nohest with you, ever since BearItAll said something about pace I have
> been worried about over-posting. It's a shame really because Linux is so
> dominant in the news these days. I want to show this without the posts
> becoming a burden. What are your thoughts on this? I would love to break the
> 40ish per day cap... would give me more room to breathe not to have a mental
> limit/bruden.

Since the material is very much on-topic and pro-charter, I can see no
particular reason why you shouldn't post any arbitrary amount of
material.  The items are clearly labelled as [News], so easy to filter
for those who do not wish to see them.  There is nothing in the cola
charter which specifies how much or little on-topic, pro-charter
material might be posted by anyone.  The group is not moderated, nor
will it ever be.  Perhaps you should try extending your personal limit
for a while and see how it goes?  As you're not publishing a newspaper,
you do not have to fill a certain amount of column-inches, so you can
have lighter and heavier days as required, anyway.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
| Cola faq:  http://www.faqs.org/faqs/linux/advocacy/faq-and-primer/   |
| Cola trolls:  http://colatrolls.blogspot.com/                        |

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