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Re: Microsoft is Now "Motivated by Fear"

  • Subject: Re: Microsoft is Now "Motivated by Fear"
  • From: Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 17:02:49 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • References: <5741567.sPzL39ZcT7@schestowitz.com> <1176736626.792786.172950@e65g2000hsc.googlegroups.com> <87odlofidw.fsf@gmail.com>
  • User-agent: Pan/0.14.2 (This is not a psychotic episode. It's a cleansing moment of clarity.)
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:514938
On Mon, 16 Apr 2007 17:28:43 +0200, Hadron Quark wrote:

> "nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> On Apr 16, 3:55 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Microsoft's act of desperation
>> The real proof that Microsoft is motivated by fear is the horde of
>> trolls that they have unleashed on this newgroup.  I doubt this costs
>> them very much, but overall their propaganda machine involves massive
>> effort and is expensive.
> I never used to believe in the paid MS shill theory before. But I do
> now. The split and twisted personalities shown by Roy Schestowitz, 7,
> chrisv, Mark Kent, Peter Köhlmann, AB and the rest could not be for
> real. They do more harm to Linux than a Windows advocate could ever
> do. Interesting tactics by MS - infiltrate the opposition with loonies.

Balls. If you believe that, you're the one who's looney.

> Looking at the adoption rates of Linux over Windows to the desktop user,
> it seems to have worked.

Again, balls. 


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