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Re: [News] Almost 1 in 4 Europeans Uses Firefox

In article <pan.2007.>, p5000011@xxxxxxxxx 
> The banal Roy Schestowitz scribbled:
> > __/ [ p5000011 ] on Saturday 14 April 2007 19:13 \__
> > 
> >> The banal Roy Schestowitz scribbled:
> >> 
> >>> 
> >>> Technically, it's possible that Firefox users just suft the Web
> >>> more, in general.
> >> 
> >> Seeing as Microsoft's 'solution' to so many vulnerabilities is not
> >> visit untrusted sites, I would say that goes without saying. :-)
> >  
> > I was thinking about tabbed browsing and power users, actually. On
> > the other hand, all these zombies that harvest the Web are Win/IE,
> > which is one of the reasons Web stats mean zilch. The same goes for
> > E-mail. Some say 94% of it is SPAM. Blame OLE.
> I was joking.
> Your news posts are appreciated but perhaps you should reconsider
> adding your own subjects as it is leaving you wide open to personal
> attacks from some of the windows trolls when you screw up. Let the
> articles speak fo themselves.

I like his personal input on the subjects because it demonstrates a wide 
base of knowledge of the entire industry.

As well, freedom of speech invites strong independent commentary.

Only fools would take the very *occasional* slight mistake and blow it 
completely and utterly out of proportion. This demonstrates an inability 
to think.

That is indirect *lying* on their part and they know it, and others 
notice it as well. Hence they are helping our cause!!

The analogy is complaining about a fireman who has just saved ten kids 
from a fire -- he didn't bring their shoes as well from a furiously 
burning bedroom. It takes a real fool to say this kind of thing.

Only real idiots complain this way. COLA has only the very best shill 
idiots going in any newsgroup.

We defend the rights of our silly shills because they are so useful to 

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