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Re: [News] Expect Less Proprietary Software in China (Amid WTO Crackdown Actions)

__/ [ BearItAll ] on Wednesday 11 April 2007 08:50 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Washington goes to WTO over China counterfeiters
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Xinhua wheeled out a Chinese academic, He Jiasheng of Wuhan University,
>> | to accuse the US of playing piracy pots and kettles. "The United
>> | States itself is not immune to piracy," the professor said. "A special
>> | US survey on piracy indicates its software industry alone loses
>> | US$3.2bn of profits a year to IPR violators."
>> `----
>> http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2007/04/10/china_us_piracy/
>> Yesterday, a Microsoft executive in China said that Microsoft expects
>> revenues in China to soar 20% as a result. But I guess they have not
>> observed China's Linux tendencies, especially when forced to pay (many
>> links below). This will hurt their inertia (network effect). Another
>> Microsoft executive implicitly admitted that Microsoft benefits from
>> piracy.
> If I was Mr China I would ban MS software, how dare they come over and
> start laying down foriegn laws. China doesn't have an emporer called MS.
> Instead I'd have the people concentrate entirely on Linux, create a nation
> of experts in the most likely candidate to replace MS.

See my later post. Mr. Gates meets Mr. China to restrict the distribution of
Linux and open source PCs. It's all politics, which is probably why Gates
retires. Rest assured he'll be more effective when he does his plane trips
around the world. He has just signed another nation (Colombian) amid its
impending migration to Linux... he got them to sign two Microsoft contracts
and the trip was disguised as one with humanitarian causes. It's too shallow
for everyone to see, except the mainstream press, whose funding sources are
sometimes ties to the Gates Foundation as well.

> Also if I was Mr China I'd have those that killed the birds whipped. Sorry,
> I can't forgive the stupidity of the 'wise chinese' a nation who killed the
> birds to improve crop yeild only to find that the very next year the rise
> in insects destroyed more crops than the birds ever damaged. I would also
> have whipped those that kill Tigers so they can eat the Tiger's dick, what
> sort of wisdom suggests that eating a Tiger's dick will improve your sex
> life? Try viagra or get a prettier wife matey.

These are cultural differences. Other look at some of our own habits as
perverse as well.

                ~~ With kind regards

For governments that eavesdrop, here is a quick list of tags: Communism,
Hawaiian shirts, China, Suitcase, Martha Stewart, Encryption, Prison,
Stalin. Thanks for tuning in.
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