Giving Vista the Boot - Back to Ubuntu Linux
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| After approximately a month after the install Vista became very sluggish
| and programs would crash without any particular reason, however they
| would not crash the usual way the would in XP, the program would
| close automatically and a dialog box would pop up letting me know the
| program had closed and it was trying to find a solution for the problem
| and reporting the problem to Microsoft.
| I became very fed up with the current setup and decided enough was
| enough. It was time for me to getUbuntu back to some familiarity. I
| decided to download the new version on Ubuntu 7.04 and give it a whirl
| on my system. I got rid of Vista and installed Ubuntu, within
| approximately 15 Mins Ubuntu was ready to go with pretty much most
| of the applications I needed.
Microsoft would argue that the crashes are actually a feature.
Microsoft: Word 2007 crashes are a feature, not bug
,----[ Quote ]
| Crashes in Microsoft Word 2007 are designed to improve security,
| says Microsoft
Working around IE7s prompt bug, er feature
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| So while every other browser on the planet can handle javascript
| prompts -- and have done so, pretty much since javascript was
| first stuffed inside the browser -- Microsoft didn't have the
| resources to deal with it and so, effectively, disabled it.
| [...]
| This stops javascript from continuing until the prompt box is
| addressed, then and only then will the alert box appear. The
| modality of the prompt box prevents javascript from moving on
| until the user has performed some action on the box.
The Contradictory State of OOXML
,----[ Quote ]
| Other contradictions would seem to be impossible to resolve given the
| nature of OOXML itself, the stated purpose of which is to describe a
| single vendor's product -- bugs and all.
A most ingenious paradox: make 1900 a leap year?
,----[ Quote ]
| I don't believe there's been enough discussion of the weaknesses
| gradually being uncovered in Microsoft's 6,000-page dump of Office
| behavior, which they are trying to call a standard.
| [...]
| To help Office to become a standard, one adaptation governments
| could make would be to retroactively declare 1900 a leap year.
| This would require updates to history books and other documents
| (for instance, V-E day would change to May 7, and the World
| Trade Center attacks would have taken place on September 10)
| but I'd like to see a cost comparison with the alternative that
| businesses dread: migrating to open document formats.