On Apr 20, 8:33 pm, "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ness...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > Interesting set of replies. One Windows fanatic says:
> > "You have a choice to not use Vista, you can use some free garbage OS,
> > or shell out twice as much for a mac.
> > No one is forcing you to even use Vista."
> That about covers it, tho garbage is too strong a word. Trash, refuse,
> throwaway, half-ass...
> > OTOH, a college students says:
> > "I've taken the liberty of installing ubuntu on my laptop. I've gotten
> > rid of windows and I'll never use it as my primary OS again."
> > In other words, real life experience with a "garbage OS".
> Wait until he graduates and finds out what the world outside his dorm room
> uses on its computers.
If I were graduating right now, I'd get a job with Google. I believe
they run on Linux.