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[News] Linux is All About Productivity, According to Nokia Director

  • Subject: [News] Linux is All About Productivity, According to Nokia Director
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 03:41:33 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Nokia director speaks on Linux, open source

,----[ Quote ]
| "Linux is the launching pad you need to stand on to be productive," said 
| Nokia's open source director, Ari Jaaksi, at LinuxWorld Wednesday. "We have 
| never managed to bring out a product in such a short time, with so few 
| resources," he added, referring to Nokia's Linux-based Internet tablets.    



Katapult yourself to keyboard productivity

,----[ Quote ]
| Katapult is a small but useful application that will let you keep your hands 
| on the keyboard. You don't have to remember any complex key combinations to 
| switch tracks while chatting or performing calculations or checking spelling 
| while doing your homework. Katapult is simple enough to use that there's no 
| learning curve involved.    


Multiplier maximizes productivity - Company teams with Canadian group on new
Linux system

,----[ Quote ]
| Rockhold said that 10 monitors can be hooked into "one souped-up"
| desktop computer. The Danville schools bought an eight-user Linux
| Desktop Bundle.


3D desktop computing with Mandriva and SabayonLinux

,----[ Quote ]
| Overall though, I am one of the persons who enjoy the concept of a
| 3D desktop. There are voices in the Linux community saying that this
| is nothing but useless eye candy, but I happen to believe that a 3D
| accelerated desktop has a potential to increase one's productivity
| on our computers once the new habits become entrenched.


Your expense = my revenue

,----[ Quote ]
| "Windows is a money making machine for everyone involved" - but
| describing it as really a kind of work for welfare scheme in which
| everyone wins -except the customer to whom it's a cost, and the 
| national economy for which it's a productivity sink.


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