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Re: [News] It's Official: Dell's Linux PCs Are Coming to Europe

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Linux for Consumers in the U.K. France, and Germany; Dell/Red Hat Solutions &
> More
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| I hinted at this before, but today, it's official: Dell announced that 
>| consumers in the United Kingdom, France and Germany can order an Inspiron 
>| 6400 notebook or an Inspiron 530N desktop with Ubuntu 7.04 pre-installed.  
> `----
> http://direct2dell.com/one2one/archive/2007/08/07/23816.aspx
> Dell outlines UK Linux plans
> http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/news/2195751/dell-outlines-uk-linux-plans

Someone else posted something on this as well, today; but it is
fantastic news all round.  The real question for me will be how many of
these machines are supplied with binary drivers so that the user has no
capability to keep the machine up to date?

Having seen the debates on this subject in here recently, it's very
clear to me that a lot of people have truly no idea what a problem this
is going to be.  We could well end up with the same kind of obsolete
hardware problems as windows has.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
| Cola faq:  http://www.faqs.org/faqs/linux/advocacy/faq-and-primer/   |
| Cola trolls:  http://colatrolls.blogspot.com/                        |
| My (new) blog:  http://www.thereisnomagic.org                        |

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