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Re: [News] [Rival] IE7 Not Working Properly, Even on Windows Vista

____/ Mark Kent on Tuesday 07 August 2007 18:18 : \____

> waterskidoo <water.skidoo@xxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> On 2007-08-06, Brett Ryan <bsryan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> And this is a suprise?  Everyone that I know who has worked with Vista
>>> have not had a good thing to say about it.  That includes ISP's,
>>> hardware vendors, application vendors.  It's a mess.
>>> Brett
>> Same experiences from my little world as well.
>> I had one friend who was a die hard hold out and now
>> even he has moved back to XP which makes every single one
>> of my friends XP refugees. Some are trying out Linux but
>> it's kind of a hard sell.
> Hehe, even with all those wonderful proprietary device drivers?
> The irony here is that had Microsoft been using open-source drivers,
> they might have some of Vista working properly by now.

Yes, Windows viruses are being developed in a truly open source fashion and
they prove to be extremely effective. They also evolve to accommodate change
(e.g. of signatures packs from AV vendors).

                ~~ Best of wishes

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