On 2007-08-06, Greg Cox <gregc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> And as far as the user not being told, I just started Word 2007, hit F1
> to bring up help, on the first page the 3rd item down is "Converting
> documents", click that, the 4th item down is "Open a Word 2007 document
> in an earlier version of Word", click that, now you get a description
> and a link to the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack. Just how much
> hand-holding do you need?
Can you get to that help after the trial has expired and you might need
to know how to salvage things? Or does the trial just tell you that
it's a bummer that you can't run the trial any more, but paying a nice
hefty fee will let you access the help again to find out what you
needed prior to the expenditure?
I don't get even; I get odd.