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Re: [News] Wii Outsells Microsoft's BoomBox360 20:1, Boom Boxes Still Go Ka-Boom!

____/ Mark Kent on Saturday 04 August 2007 17:30 : \____

> [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>> Microsoft blames baby's parents for deadly Xbox fire
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Specifically, Redmond claims that the suit, which also names
>>> | Wal-mart and and an anonymous power-supply maker, lacks merit
>>> | because the Klines "knowingly, willingly, intentionally, and
>>> | voluntarily exposed themselves to said danger and assumed the risk
>>> | of incident, injuries, losses, and damages"
>>> `----
>> This is disgusting. Microsoft kills a baby then claims it was the
>> parents' fault for "exposing" the child to Microsoft's faulty hardware
>> ... *and* they want the victims (who are now homeless because Microsoft
>> burnt their house to ashes) to foot the legal bill.
>> Evil bastards.
> Still, Vista must be good ;-)

Let us pray. Gutmann said that Vista's DRM could (will?) be the cause of future

The Longest Suicide Note in History

,----[ Quote ]
| Gutmann: The genie's out of the bottle before the operating system has even
| been released! But that doesn't mean Vista users in particular - and
| the computer community at large - won't end up paying for Microsoft's
| DRM folly. At the risk of repeating myself repeating myself, yet
| another reason to move to Linux.
`----     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Watch his original paper on 'medical' aspects. And let's finish with a
reassuring thought...

CfH refutes computer failure claims

,----[ Quote ]
| "Very often they are not major incidents as such, but could be caused when
| a patient administration system is running slow or there may be problems
| with the local network. The severity level is attributed by the user and
| this is subsequently very often down graded or amended."
| Many of the incidents that have been reported by CfH include failure of
| the systems used by surgeons to see X-ray pictures on a computer screen
| in wards and operating theatres. On some occasions the system is believed
| to have crashed during an operation, forcing surgeons to suspend the
|         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| procedure while a hard copy of the X-ray is found.


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Useless fact: Brazil spans 47.8% of S. America
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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