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Re: [SOT] Senate Uses "Protect the Children" Excuse to Censor Web, Open Access Fights Back

____/ Darth Chaos on Saturday 04 August 2007 03:08 : \____

> On Aug 3, 9:59 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Senate panel backs development of super V-chip
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The Senate Commerce Committee approved legislation Thursday asking the
>> | Federal Communications Commission to oversee the development of a super
>> | V-chip that could screen content on everything from cell phones to the
>> | Internet.
>> `----
>> http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-6200543.html
>> And later on they say that open systems are not secure, that Vista is needed
>> for control, that open source is 'unamerican'....
> Microsoft knows GNU/Linux will kicks its ass, so they pander to their
> puppet politicians in a quest to have their illegal monopoly codified
> into federal law. This is nothing short of criminal. Criminals in
> Microsoft and criminals in the government are trying to screw us
> over.....but I think THEY will be screwed in the end. :)

It's probably worse in Britain, but there you go.

Changing the Report, After the Vote

,----[ Quote ]
| That agreement was nearly imperiled last weekend, though. Gerri
| Elliott, corporate vice president at Microsoft's Worldwide Public
| Sector division, sent an e-mail message to fellow commissioners Friday
| evening saying that she "vigorously" objected to a paragraph in which
| the panel embraced and encouraged the development of open source software
| and open content projects in higher education. The paragraph read like
| this:
| "The commission encourages the creation of incentives to promote
| the development of open-source and open-content projects at universities
| and colleges across the United States, enabling the open sharing of
| educational  materials from a variety of institutions, disciplines, and
| educational perspectives. Such a portal could stimulate innovation, and
| serve as the leading resource for teaching and learning. New initiatives
| such as OpenCourseWare, the Open Learning Initiative, the Sakai Project,
| and the Google Book project hold out the potential of providing universal
| access both to general knowledge and to higher education."


,----[ Quote ]
| "After a long and arduous journey that included a suspended validation last
| year .. OpenSSL has regained its FIPS 140-2 validation"
| "We called it the FUD campaign," he says. "There were all kinds of
| complaints sent to the CMVP including one about 'Commie code.' .. Silly or
| no, each complaint that's filed really slows down the process."
| "the ones they did see often contained redacted, or blacked-out, data about
| who had filed the complaint .. in some cases, proprietary software vendors
| were lodging the complaints.


Microsoft's bold march towards open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is labouring under a delusion. While the rest of the world
| thinks of it as a software company, it prefers to consider itself
| a government department. How else to see its latest scheme whereby,
| if you ignore its questions, it will report you to its private
| paid-for policemen at the Business Software Alliance?


What about selling free software

,----[ Quote ]
| Gervase Markham, the Mozilla Foundation's licensing officer, in an
| article in the Times Online, talks about being questioned by a
| northern UK Trading License Officer about giving away software.
| The trading officer was concerned by a group that was burning the
| free Mozilla Browser on CDs and selling it.


BSA all for tech neutrality [as long as the Open Source plan was abandoned]

,----[ Quote ]
| "On the other hand, even with Microsoft Corp's money and marketing
| muscle behind it, Microsoft Money did not take off as a product and
| was unable to unseat Intuit's Quicken." 


Report: The Business of Free Software

,----[ Quote ]
| In his Nov. 21 column, Conrado Banal said I did not really author the
| bill "Free/Open Source Act of 2006" now pending in Congress. And
| quoting the Business Software Alliance (BSA), he also derided the
| bill as a "prime model of confusion."
| Let me assure him that I authored the bill. My office worked on it for
| four months. It started with a suggestion from FOSS (free/open
| source software) advocates in the Computer Professionals Union
| (CPU). Modeled after the Brazil and Peru FOSS policies, it is the
| result of inputs from various geeks, techies and FOSS
| practitioners--from my two staff who happen to be competent IT
| professionals, IT lawyers in the UP College of Law, members of
| the Philippine Linux Users Group (PLUG), GNU/Linux guru and
| prime advocate Richard Stallman of the MIT-based Free Software
| Foundation, who personally e-mailed his very valuable comments.
| It also contains inputs from the government?s Commission on
| Information and Communications Technology and the International
| Open Source Network of the UNDP.


Leaked letter warns of open source 'threat to eco-system'

,----[ Quote ]
| leaked letter to the European Commission has revealed the extent of
| lobbying by proprietary software groups to prevent the widespread
| adoption of open-source software.
| Sent in response to a recent report on the role of open-source
| software in the European economy, Microsoft-funded pressure
| group, the Initiative for Software Choice (ISC) warned of
| potentially dire effects if too much encouragement was given
| to open source software development.


European Commission denies favouring open source

,----[ Quote ]
| The Commission's statement comes just days after it was lobbied to
| clarify its position on open source. The Initiative for Software
| Choice (ISC) wrote to the Commission immediately after the
| release of the report urging it to contact the "international
| press" to "set the record straight" over its stance. The ISC's
| external affairs are handled by CompTIA, which is funded by 
| several IT vendors including Microsoft.
|                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


EU official joins consultancy serving Microsoft


US ambassador to the EU was former Microsoft lobbyist

,----[ Quote ]
| Before C. Boyden Gray was named as George Bush's number one person in
| Europe, he was a lawyer lobbying on behalf of Microsoft.


US politicians go to bat for Microsoft


EU's Kroes denies vendetta against Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU antitrust chief Neelie Kroes on Tuesday rejected
| an accusation she was pursuing a vendetta against U.S. software giant
| Microsoft Corp. and suspected a "coordinated campaign" to discredit
| her agency.
| [...]
|  Kroes was responding to a letter published by the newspaper from a
| Microsoft business partner who accused the EU Commission of "playing
| games" with Microsoft by raising concerns over its Vista operating
| system that could delay its launch in Europe.
| "There appears to be a coordinated campaign to portray the Commission
| in a negative light," she said...


Microsoft Hard-Balling EU Over Vista  

,----[ Quote ]
| "This is part of the negotiating strategy," a person familiar with the
| situation told internetnews.com. "They're in a public relations battle."
| Microsoft made the same threat to South Korean regulators, but did not
| follow through when they lost that battle.


IDC (Microsoft-funded study) pronounces Linux unimportant to European economy


Open Source Foes In Bed With Abramoff


Study: open source needs official support; Lobbyist
disagrees with "flawed" conclusions

,----[ Quote ]
| The study, commissioned by the European Commission, Directorate
| General Enterprise and Industry, is but a small part of the larger
| FLOSSPOLS project that aims to keep the EU a leader in global
| development of open source software.
| [...]
| Now, the ISC is widely regarded as a shill for Microsoft, although
| the member list also includes companies like Intel, Autodesk, and
| RSA Security (now an EMC subsidiary). The 300-strong member list is
| mostly padded with lesser lights such as Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi(
| Turkey), ThreeSixtyDegreez (Pakistan), and Datoprogrammu Apgads
| (Latvia). The institute pushes hard for the right to patent
| software, alongside regular bashings of open source businesses.


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Slashdot is standard-compliant... in Japan"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
      http://iuron.com - proposing a non-profit search engine

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