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Re: [News] Microsoft Reveals Fear of the GPL, Licence Shows Sabotage Attempt

____/ Mark Kent on Friday 03 August 2007 13:57 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Microsoft's overtures towards open source show just how scared it is
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Indeed, the licence does not appear to require that the source code of
>>| derivative works be made available to users who receive binary copies of
>>| software products. So it appears that this conflicts with a major
>>| requirement for OSI approval, that is, the criterion that, if a derivative
>>| software work is distributed, the source code must be provided or made
>>| available....Open Source is built on trust, the positive trust of software
>>| developers that co-developers share common goals in each project and are
>>| not working at cross-purposes or trying to sabotage the community.
>> `----
>> http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=41395
>> Related:
>> http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20070730120109643
> Here's an opportunity for the OSI to show its true colours, is it for
> freedom, or is it for tivoisation?

Too late. They have Matt Asay et al in the house. He's having lunch with
Microsoft. I told this to some others, but bear in mind that I'm in good terms
and in touch with him. PJ is 'exposing' those who corrupt "Free software",
including Asay. In fact, another person who got slagged off for killing Free
software is Tim O'reilly.

Watch this one (the animation).


I used to respect these people, but having confronted them on the whole MS-OSI
matter, I regret it. They get poisoned and they don't realise it (or don't
care as long as they get cash).

                ~~ Best of wishes

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