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[News] Monopoly Enabler Rejected in Spain, More OOXML Flaws Found

  • Subject: [News] Monopoly Enabler Rejected in Spain, More OOXML Flaws Found
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 03:57:19 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Spain: Another Defeat for OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| [PJ: The following report says that the results are in from Spain, and the 
| technical committee voted 4 to 3 against OOXML. That means that in September, 
| Spain will vote Abstain, because the rules require a 2/3 majority. More info 
| at NoOOXML.org and OpenXML.info. ]   


Chairs break. Even bullying and corruption are unable to defend a monopoly
based on discriminatory lock-in.

Accessibility Issues with Office Open XML

,----[ Quote ]
| There are grave issues with respect to the accessibility of Office Open XML 
| as a format and potential standard that should preclude its adoption at  
| present 



Microsoft is Outmuscling OOXML Opposition in Spain

,----[ Quote ]
| The Andalusian Government has reported recently the manipulation of Microsoft 
| in the National Technical Committee 71 of AENOR. On July 10th, just the day 
| before the one and only meeting of AENOR to study DIS 29500 and vote on it, 
| Microsoft announced officially (via the secretary of the Committee) that that 
| Andalusian Government and several other Spanish public entities were asking 
| for the approval of ISO DIS 29500 (what finally resulted all a fake!).     


OOXML Fails to Gain Approval in US

,----[ Quote ]
| On Friday July 13th, INCITS V1 met via teleconference for 3 hours but failed 
| to reach a 2/3 consensus necessary to recommend an "Approval, with comments" 
| position on Microsoft "Office Open XML" (OOXML) document specification.  


Guest Commentary: The converter hoax

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft maintains that while it would have been easy to support the Open 
| Document Format (ODF) natively, it had to move to MS-OOXML because this was 
| the only way for them to offer the full features of its office suite. But if 
| Microsoft itself is not able to represent its internal data structures in the 
| Open Document Format (ODF) in its Microsoft Office suite, how could an 
| external conversion program from MS-OOXML accomplish this task? The answer to 
| both questions is that it is not possible because two things cannot be the 
| same and different at the same time.       


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