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[News] Open Source Virtualisation Gets Boost

  • Subject: [News] Open Source Virtualisation Gets Boost
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 15:47:29 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Mission Creep: Open Source Virtualization Usage Models Proliferate

,----[ Quote ]
| Now that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 has been available for a few months, we 
| are starting to see how customers are actually going to use virtualization. 
| This allows us to get to the truth behind the hype.  


Red Hat ramps up virtualization drive for RHEL 5


VMware starts road show ahead of planned IPO

,----[ Quote ]
| VMware could be the hottest IPO of the year, according to analysts. Its 
| revenues are growing at an annual rate of about 100 percent, and businesses 
| have just started to develop a taste for virtualization software.  



Dell, Sun Could Suffer As Virtualization Cuts Down Server Sales

,----[ Quote ]
| He also says the trend will accelerate the cannibalization of Unix servers by 
| x86 servers, which is trouble for Sun Microsystems (SUNW). He notes that Sun 
| has more than 50% unit share of the Unix server market, and gets more than a 
| third of its revenue from Unix servers.   


The Year of Virtualization

,----[ Quote ]
| I think that Windows will continue to succumb to Linux in the data
| center, MySQL and Postgres will continue to win projects that once
| fell to Oracle and DB/2.


Virtualization: Linux's killer app

,----[ Quote ]
| Think about it. Even Microsoft supports running Linux on its Virtual
| Server product. Why would it do that? Wouldn't an OS partitioning
| technology, such as that used by OpenVz or Sun Solaris, be more in
| keeping with the kind of homogeneous environments that Microsoft
| would like to see? Why would Microsoft invest its resources to
| support a virtual machine technology that can only open the
| door to Linux in the datacenter?


Virtualisation gets trendy

,----[ Quote ]
| The fact that so many areas of IT are affected by virtualisation is 
| perhaps testament to how fundamental a concept it is to separate 
| computer resource from the underlying physical hardware and 
| demonstrates this is a strategic issue with a broad impact 
| that has to be considered at the highest levels of IT management.


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