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Re: [News] Anti-Firefox Campaign Launched, Uses Stereotypes

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Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> http://whyfirefoxisblocked.com/

If I ever encounter that, I'll be sure not to return.  On Digg someone
mentioned that www.jacklewis.net (apparently some blog, I don't care)
uses it and it did indeed redirect.  The funny thing was that it was
more insidious (and stupid) than a mere User-agent check.  No, they
check if the JavaScript implementation has a document.all property.
This is stupid for so many reasons that I don't know where to start.

Well, for one if this catches on, the Firefox developers will just put
in a dummy element.  Until then, it can be filtered in various ways
(squid proxy comes to mind).  But how clever is it to rely on a
nonstandard implementation?  What happens the day IE drops the support
for document.all (which it is generally recommended that one does not
use)?  It'll essentially turn into one big ad *for* Firefox and AdBlock
(in that IE users may not have been aware of it before).  And what about
other standards compliant browsers?  I just checked with Konqueror and
it got redirected as well.  Presumably, since it is built on the same
framework, Safari will get targeted as well.  What a nice big f*** you
to the Mac users, eh? :-)

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