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Re: [News] Darl McBride Speaks Out

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> SCO's Letter to Customers and Partners
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | So there you have it. How does that sound to you? Like the lawyers
> | haven't finished their analysis of the ruling, but that the management
> | would like to soldier onward in whatever ways are possible? That's how
> | it sounds to me too. The last sentence says "the legal team will focus
> | on the necessary actions needed to protect SCO, its customers and
> | shareholders". SCO is disappointed in the ruling, doesn't agree with it,
> | is trying to stay afloat while it figures out what to do next, but it
> | will do something.
> `----
> http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=2007081421281115

Now that is strange coincidence, because it so happens that many a mugger,
burgler and other people in prison at the moment also disagree with court

Surely it can't be coincidence. 

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