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Re: [News] New CUPS from Apple, New DSL, New Sidux, Mint KDE, and Pioneer Explorer

____/ [H]omer on Wednesday 15 August 2007 05:31 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> CUPS Printing 1.3.0 Released
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | This is also the first release since it was announced Apple
>> | acquired CUPS Printing.
>> `----
> Executive summary:
>  . Kerberos  restrictions
>  . OpenSSL   restrictions
>  . Trademark restrictions
> Time to fork.
> Certainly I can't see the next Debian release containing anything called
> "CUPS®". Maybe their fork will be called "MUGS".

I got this response a few hours ago (from a Debian developer):

'Ah, "Firefox/Iceweasel".

It's due to licensing. Firefox is licensed such that you can only call it
Firefox if it is _exactly_ what is handed out as Firefox by the Firefox

However, because the Debian developers apply security patches to the Firefox
code, it is not _allowed_ to be called Firefox. Yes, they asked nicely, and
no, the Firefox folks didn't waive the license requirement.

But the Firefox _code_, unlike the _name_, is F/OSS. So the Debian developers
rebranded it with different names, different pictures, different icons, and
that's about it. Iceweasel. Oh, and "Icedove" instead of "Thunderbird", same

So no, the Debian developers are not being pissy. They are, in fact, abiding
the license requirements of the upstream code base. This is something to be
_praised_, not derided.'

Source: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Linux_in_my_pocket

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Useless fact: the buttocks is the largest muscle
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