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Re: [News] Vista Insecurities Could Have it Lose "Primium" Content

____/ [H]omer on Sunday 12 August 2007 21:27 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that yakety yak spake thusly:
>> After August 15, 2007, you will no longer be able to view your
>> purchased or rented videos.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Google Video Team
> IOW, in the opinion of the Media Industry and it's lackeys:
> "Purchased == Rented" ... no "rights" are ever permanent, all are
> revocable; irrespective of how much one pays, or what the original
> expectations of payment were.
> I fully expect the MP/RI/AA to come crashing through my door any day
> now, shotguns in hand, demanding that I "re-purchase" my entire CD and
> DVD collection (or die), because I've "owned" them too long.
>> I, for one, would not care to be dependent on an OS designed around
>> DRM.
> I.e. - one designed to the MP/RI/AA gangsters' specifications.

Yes, the "renting" plot. We saw that coming last year. The MSBBC was corrupted
to accept this too, at the taxpayers' expense.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Y |-(1^2)|^(1/2)+1 K
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