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[News] Linux Still 'Cleaning up the Windows'

  • Subject: [News] Linux Still 'Cleaning up the Windows'
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 21:16:54 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Small and Medium Sized Businesses Embrace Linux Abroad

,----[ Quote ]
| - Linux security is noted again and again to be far superior to Windows
| - Government and Educational institutions are driving adoption, which spills 
|   over in two ways: 
| - Government contractors (large and small) brush up against the technology
| - Students emerge with Linux skills and without a MS bias


Micrososft: Linux Keeps Losing - NOT!

,----[ Quote ]
| Statements like this are getting old. The person that wrote this, and nothing 
| more in commentary, shows ignorance to the fact that the only reason anyone 
| is able to point a finger at Linux for IP issues is because - it’s Open 
| Source!  This article appeared in 2003, showing Microsoft’s first foray into 
| Unix - licensing SCO - remember SCO?  And remember the ruling in the SCO 
| case?  You see, the purchase by Microsoft was to shore up and gamble that SCO 
| did own the IP claims against Linux.  It also helped catapult the SCO stock 
| at the time.  We see today that it didn’t work.  I just dare Microsoft and 
| their army of lawyers to open source Windows software.  Let’s then talk about 
| IP!          


Linux is so cool because....



Server sales turn vendors into very happy bunnies 

,----[ Quote ]
| X86 server sales generated 50 per cent of factory revenue for the first time, 
| growing 16 per cent year on year. Sales of Windows servers grew by 14 per 
| cent annually but Linux revs were up 34 per cent.  
`----               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


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