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[News] [Rival] Samsung UMPC Throws the Towel, Leaves Windows Vista; Vista Screws PC Makers

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Samsung UMPC Throws the Towel, Leaves Windows Vista; Vista Screws PC Makers
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 11:57:01 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
New Samsung UMPC's Drop Vista, Add 32GB Flash Hard Drive


Vista launch jamboree leaves PC World with indigestion

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft’s damp squib launch of Vista has left PC World with an over-stock 
| headache, parent DSGi confirmed today. 



Samsung's Chip Business: What Happened?

,----[ Quote ]
| Slower-than-expected sales of PCs using the Microsoft Windows Vista operating 
| system have also added to the oversupply problem, particularly as few 
| manufacturers—that includes Samsung—are willing to cut back on 
| output. "Samsung is no different from its competitors in selling chips below 
| manufacturing costs..."    


,----[ Quote ]
| At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Richard, at a
| breakfast meeting, did his duty again. He said the Intel Inside
| program and other marketing promotions Intel has used over the
| years have killed profitability for PC makers.


Memory chipmakers brace for tough quarter

,----[ Quote ]
| Industry headed for loss; DRAM suppliers overshot Vista demand: analyst
| Personal computer sales cannot take off fast enough for the makers 
| of computer-memory chips known as DRAM, an industry on pace to suffer 
| one of its worst business quarters this decade.


Microsoft Partner Points to Soft Vista Demand

,----[ Quote ]
| Overall, it's difficult to say how well Vista is doing. Yes, Microsoft
| has sold more than 20 million Vista licenses. But how many customers
| actually requested the operating system? And how many more would send
| it back to Redmond, if only they knew how? Based on all the negative
| Vista buzz, Apple is actually suggesting that the Vista party is over
| before it starts.
| In reality, PC vendors are selling boatloads of Vista systems to
| consumers. But perhaps not as many as expected. How else can you
| explain Dell's decision to re-introduce Windows XP on some systems while
| at the same time launching consumer PCs with Ubuntu Linux preinstalled.


Microsoft counts on Vista to recharge stagnant stock

,----[ Quote ]
| There was a time in the 1990s when shares of Microsoft stock seemed to
| double every couple of years. 1996: college for the kids. 1998: a place
| on Whidbey. 1999: early retirement.
| Times have changed.


Commentary: Microsoft needs more than just buybacks to lift its shares

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft shares, which have been dormant for the last few years,
| have been looking up over the last couple months. The Dow industrials
| component has gained about 20% since hitting a 4-year low of $21.46 o
| June 13.
| To help move things along, Microsoft not only launched a $40 billion
| stock repurchase program that lasts through 2011, the company also said
| its previously announced 4-year, $30 billion stock buyback program was
| completed in just 2 years.


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