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Re: [News] Google Thrives, So Microsoft Takes Over US Government (a Whole GROUP of Lobbyists)

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> ____/ Mark Kent on Tuesday 28 August 2007 10:13 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> ____/ Kier on Friday 24 August 2007 22:38 : \____
>>>> On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 20:55:00 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>> ____/ Mark Kent on Friday 24 August 2007 18:38 : \____
>>>>>> (cue waterskidoo troll shouting "paranioa, conspiracy"  and so on).
>>>>> She attacked [H]omer, so she'll need to earn back the trust. Feeding scum
>>>>> (with a proven track record) like 'Hadron' and 'DFS' while attacking
>>>>> altruism is inexcusable.
>>>> Is there some reason [H]omer is to be immune from criticism? Waterskiddoo
>>>> attacked excessive zealotry in the advocacy of Linux, which in her
>>>> opinion, was not a productive thing (and I agree with that). Extremism is
>>>> rarely a useful attitude.
>>> What is extremist? Suggesting that Ballmer is committing crimes? he does. We
>>> saw court evidence. Criticising a company for coordinated abuse which is
>>> organised up above? Why not? If not here, where else?
>>> [H]omer's posts are both powerful and eloquent. They are among my favourite
>>> because they bluntly state the truth without stereotypes, racism, or
>>> insults.
>>> Being frank sometimes means being blunt. It does not make the argument
>>> erroneous.
>> Unless you're here with an agenda, as Waterskidoo is.
> There's no "Waterskidoo". I know you were on vacation, but that "Waterskidoo"
> spilled the beans. It's Gary. I'm 100% sure. Kier just hasn't seen the
> messages that give it all away. It's a high activity NG, so he must have
> missed it.

I've caught up now, and had more or less reached that conclusion anyway

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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