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[News] People Are Switching to Linux and Like It (Batch of Stories)

  • Subject: [News] People Are Switching to Linux and Like It (Batch of Stories)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 12:22:16 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Why I Went Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Consider me a citizen of the world – OpenSource that is. We like to get 
| things done. And, can do it ourselves. I do it with Linux Mint Cassandra . 


3 months with Vector Linux 5.8 SOHO

,----[ Quote ]
| Vector is now my OS of choice on the machine in question, and who knows, if I 
| didn’t still have to do a bit of VB development, it could well replace XP on 
| my main work laptop as well.  
| Mind you... I could always build an XP virtual machine...


Unboxing My Dell Inspiron with Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| Last Wednesday, the FedEx guy arrived with my new Dell Inspiron 530 desktop. 
| Still in my pajamas, I rushed to the door to greet him, gave him a 
| quick "thank-you", and rushed back up the stairs to begin unboxing.  



Dell Keeps Linux Penguins Marching Forward

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell first announced that it would preinstall Ubuntu Linux on some of its 
| consumer desktops and notebooks just three months ago, but the results have 
| shown the vendor that there is no reason to stop there.  


Will HP Follow Dell With Ubuntu Linux PCs?

,----[ Quote ]
| Initially, I was skeptical about Dell's decision to sell selected consumer 
| PCs with Ubuntu Linux pre-installed.
| But after a few days of testing, I'm a skeptic no more. And I'm not alone. 
| Dell insiders tell me that the Ubuntu PCs, introduced in late May, are 
| selling well -- though they decline to share exact sales figures with 
| me.
| [...]
| Sources close to HP tell me the company hope to offer PCs with Ubuntu Linux
| pre-installed in a few months--or perhaps even a few weeks...


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