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Re: [News] Mainstream Press is Apathetic and Prejudiced Against GNU/Linux

____/ Kier on Saturday 29 December 2007 21:08 : \____

> On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 12:54:55 -0800, Tim Smith wrote:
>> In article <pan.2007.>,
>>  Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 17:44:21 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> > ____/ Kier on Saturday 29 December 2007 17:40 : \____
>>> > 
>>> >> On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 17:28:55 +0000, 7 wrote:
>>> >> 
>>> >>> Linux is show shipping 1 million new desktops per month and selling
>>> >> 
>>> >> YOu still haven't shown any proof of this.
>>> >  
>>> > It's a very reasonable estimate. Eee PCs alone sold about 200,000 per
>>> > month.
>>> I heard 175,000. Whichever it is, it's pretty good news, I agree. But 7
>>> has been saying this for ages without any evidence. When anyone asks, he
>>> just spews more babytalk.
>> They projected selling 200k by the end of the year, which had 2.5 months
>> left in it when they went on sale.  They actually sold about 350k, in
>> just over 2 months, which would be 175k a month, so your number looks
>> like the right one.
>> However, that will include a boost from launch month, and a boost from
>> Christmas sales, so they probably won't sustain that rate.
> Possibly. But it's an excellent start. I'd quite like an Asus myself. My
> brother said he'd seen one, and was fairly impressed. It's the sort of
> device you could carry about without too much bother, as it's so small and
> being solid state is less likely to be damaged by living in a bag or
> briefcase. The latest Linux Format mag reviewed it and gave it a general
> thumbs-up. But I just lashed out several hundred quid on a 32 inch telly,
> so it may have to wait a while :-) By then any quirks are likely to be
> ironed out, too.
> <snip>

The sales figures from Asus were limited by production capacity. If I recall
correctly, 5 million units were expected to sell next year. These forecasts
were changed and the numbers elevated significantly just before Xmas (I'll
fetch the references if you want). Asus insists that it can dominate 20% of
the laptops market and the Eee PC is bound to become its second most important
product. Vista won't run on the Eee PC any time soon (with reasonable
performance and real attraction).

Don't let Timmy and the Microsoft apologist downplay the significance of this.
They will try very hard.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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