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Re: [News] [Rival] Windows Vista SP1 Makes It Even Worse

<posted & mailed>

____/ Jerry McBride on Saturday 29 December 2007 21:34 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Tests: Vista SP1 worsens HD, network speed
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The looming Service Pack 1 update for Windows Vista has deteriorated the
>> | Microsoft operating system's disk and networking performance beyond the
>> | already slow launch version, according to a series of tests conducted by
>> | Gizmodo.
>> `----
>> http://www.electronista.com/articles/07/12/27/vista.sp1.slows.down/
> Forgive me, but... you get what you pay for. Windows Vista is a product of
> cheap labor... H1B's and "off shore-ing" is not the answer for quality
> software. Any idiot could figure that out and Microsoft has spent BILLIONS
> producing a total FLOP in Vista.
> Corporate America... WAKE UP... cheap is not always a good thing.

Here is the full test (I hadn't realise that it was an indirect link):

Battlemodo: Windows Vista Service Pack 1 RC1 vs. Shipping Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| …we noticed with Windows Vista was when we tried to transfer a large folder 
| full of files over our 100Base-T network. While XP was able to transfer the 
| 1.37GB folder containing 2606 items in a quick 3:37 (minutes/seconds), the 
| Vista transfer seemed to hesitate at the end, taking a leisurely 12:58 to 
| perform exactly the same copy from one PC to another over our network. Then 
| when we compared the current shipping version of Vista with its upcoming 
| service pack, there wasn’t much difference, with the Service Pack speeding 
| things up by 0.865% in the PCMark tests.       
| The only part of it that’s bugging us is the network file transfer speed got 
| even slower in the SP1 release candidate. Also continuing that bothersome 
| disk speed problem is the way Vista couldn’t read and write on that speedy 
| 15,000rpm SAS drive anywhere near as fast as XP did.   


Only with Microsoft can the year 2001 be better than 2008. Without competition,
there's no improvement, unless that 'improvement' is Intel's bottom line and
some extra permissions-related checks for Holywood moguls.

Computing will only improve when Microsoft gets a kick in the pants.

Speaking of cheap labour, blame Microsoft lobbyists (read: bribes that rewrite
the law). The government appears to be taking action now. Published days ago:

Lobbyists' Cash Haul Appears to Slow

,----[ Quote ] 
| A decade-long boom for corporate lobbyists in Washington is showing signs of 
| quieting down, just as tougher congressional rules threaten to muffle the 
| multibillion-dollar industry even more next year.  
| [...]
| Financial services and technology firms, including Apple Inc. and Microsoft 
| Corp., squared off against pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, such 
| as Johnson & Johnson and Amgen Inc., on patent reforms.  


Bribing politicians is a MULTI-BILLION-DOLLAR industry!! How on earth has this

“Gates met Noorda briefly in San Francisco to discuss the merger […] before the
merger could go forward, he said Novell had to drop its plans to buy Digital
Research. […] when Noorda raised the possibility that the Justice Department
might try to block a merger between the first and third biggest software
companies on the planet, Gates responded, “Don’t worry, we know how to handle
the federal government.” […] Gates denied every saying such a thing”


"Corruption" is written all over it, but corrupt conduct seems to have been
forged into the law. Welcome to the NWO.


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Useless fact: 12345679 x 8 = 98765432
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