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[News] [Rival] Meet Microsoft: FUD Extraordinaire, Snitch Extraordinaire

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Meet Microsoft: FUD Extraordinaire, Snitch Extraordinaire
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 12:24:22 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Meet Google: Search Giant, Monopolist Extraordinaire

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft also articulated (Word doc) how the combination of Google's vast ad 
| networks with DoubleClick's publishing tools will give the company 
| overwhelming chunks of the market.  
| [...]
| Anyone who wants to really dive into the ramifications of the deal to see how 
| it will affect the online ad market should check out these documents. Are 
| they FUD? They most certainly are. But it's also some of the best organized 
| and compellingly articulated FUD I've ever read.   



FTC: We won't block Google-DoubleClick merger

,----[ Quote ]
| Federal Trade Commission regulators said Thursday that Google's controversial 
| $3.1 billion merger proposal with DoubleClick can proceed, despite earlier 
| complaints raised by competitors and privacy advocates.   


IBM Faces EU Antitrust Complaint by Mainframe Maker [w/ Microsoft]

,----[ Quote ]
| International Business Machines Corp., the world's biggest computer-services 
| company, is accused in a European Union complaint filed by a 
| mainframe-computer maker of refusing to supply data needed for compatible 
| products.   


EU Worries About Privacy in Google Deal

,----[ Quote ]
| European lawmakers plan to take the unusual step of pressing antitrust 
| regulators next month to look at privacy concerns raised by Google Inc.'s 
| intended takeover of online ad tracker DoubleClick.  


The Key To Google's Success: Innovation or Paranoia?

,----[ Quote ]
| Intel’s Andy Grove had a popular saying: Only the Paranoid Survive. It was 
| the name of his book. Another big thinker, Clay Christensen, penned a popular 
| management book called The Innovator’s Dilemma. Keep those two titles in mind 
| as you read the following.   


News Analysis: Microsoft General Counsel on DoubleClick and Antitrust

,----[ Quote ]
| This raises a very important question - why didn't Microsoft match Google's 
| $3.1 billion offer. Smith would not comment on this, but I can report from 
| very good sources that in fact the company did offer to match it, and was 
| willing to pay even more to insure that Google did not corner the online ad
| market. But for whatever reasons, the private equity firm that owned the 
| majority of DoubleClick's shares decided to go with Google.
| [...]
| I asked Smith about the irony of Microsoft asking the government to
| support it on antitrust. His response was interesting.


Microsoft Befriends Google's Foes

,----[ Quote ]
| After a government- and monopoly-inspired period in which Microsoft had
| to pretend to be a gentle force for global good, the company is being
| forced to return to its ruthless roots. Ironically, it is doing this
| in part by decrying the unfair practices of a competitor and
| shamelessly sucking up to the Establishment.


Report FTC To OK Google/DoubleClick Deal

,----[ Quote ]
| The deal has faced fierce opposition from both Microsoft (MSFT) and some 
| privacy advocates. 


Google looks to ad partners beyond DoubleClick deal

,----[ Quote ]
| Tim Armstrong, Google's president of advertising and commerce in North 
| America, said the Web search leader's forays into selling ads in print, radio 
| and television had shown that marketers would be keen to use a joint system 
| that let them better manage ad inventory.   


Microsoft trying to derail Google/DoubleClick deal by lobbying congress

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has hired lobbying firm Patton Boggs LLC to do work on "competitive 
| issues surrounding Google/DoubleClick [sic] merger." 


U.S. lawmakers urge Google-DoubleClick deal scrutiny

,----[ Quote ]
| Two U.S. senators on the antitrust subcommittee urged the Federal Trade 
| Commission's chairman to submit Google's purchase of advertising company 
| DoubleClick to "serious scrutiny."  


EU extends review of Google/DoubleClick merger


Microsoft Finds Legal Defender in Justice Dept.

,----[ Quote ]
| Nearly a decade after the government began its landmark effort to break 
| up Microsoft, the Bush administration has sharply changed course by
| repeatedly defending the company both in the United States and abroad 
| against accusations of anticompetitive conduct, including the recent
| rejection of a complaint by Google.
| [...]
| In the most striking recent example of the policy shift, the top 
| antitrust official at the Justice Department last month urged state
| prosecutors to reject a confidential antitrust complaint filed by 
| Google that is tied to a consent decree that monitors Microsoft's 
| behavior. Google has accused Microsoft of designing its latest 
| operating system, Vista, to discourage the use of Google's desktop 
| search program, lawyers involved in the case said. 


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