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[News] [SOT] Australia Takes First Step Towards Free Speech Crackdown

  • Subject: [News] [SOT] Australia Takes First Step Towards Free Speech Crackdown
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 03:56:05 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Australia to get net censorship

,----[ Quote ]
| The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) will be able to 
| force content providers to take down offensive material and issue notices for 
| live content to be stopped and links to the content deleted.  


They start with children and "terrorists" (who can humanly say "no"?), then
they'll move on to political censorship and competitive software (see below).

Deluge Anonymizing Browser Now Includes Bittorrent

,----[ Quote ]
| An open-source bittorrent client, Deluge, now provides an internal, 
| anonymizing browser to protect its users from overzealous ISPs. The client 
| runs on Windows, Linux and OS X.  



Major Aussie ISP Telstra BigPond shafts open source OpenOffice

,----[ Quote ]
| Australia’s largest Internet service provider Telstra BigPond has removed the 
| free open source office suite OpenOffice from its unmetered file download 
| area following the launch of its own, free, hosted, office application, 
| BigPond Office.   
| [...]
| Our reader was outraged by Telstra’s move, which he sees as an attack on the 
| open source software movement. 
| “The principle of the matter upsets me,” he said. “The fact that BigPond has 
| removed previously allowed open source software is un-ethical. They are 
| discriminating against me, even though I pay the same as other customers.  
| They are attacking the Free Software movement.”   



Australia to extend web censorship

,----[ Quote ]
| Privacy advocates take a dim view of this proposal, naturally. Roger Clarke, 
| chair of the Australian Privacy Foundation, said "This government's extremism 
| has reached new heights today." He asked "How can a politician claim the 
| right to hold office if they set out to undermine the critical democratic 
| right of freedom of speech, and blatantly decline to evaluate the impact of 
| measures put before the Parliament?"     


Suit against blogger weaves legal web in Paris, Texas

,----[ Quote ]
| But there is little case law in Texas or nationally to give judges a standard 
| for when to expose anonymous postings on the Internet.   


Web 'censorship' bill brings police state one stop closer  

,----[ Quote ]
| Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA) has slammed moves to give the Federal 
| Police powers to ban access to certain Internet content as "another step in 
| Australia's descent into a police state".  


Howard row over Wikipedia edits

,----[ Quote ]
| Staff in the Australian prime minister's department have been accused of 
| editing potentially damaging entries in online encyclopaedia Wikipedia. 


AT&T admits it censored other bands

,----[ Quote
| It looks like Pearl Jam isn't the only band that has had its politically 
| charged comments bleeped from concerts streamed from AT&T's Blue Room Web 
| site.  
| [...]
| AT&T quickly apologized for the incident and blamed the company that handles 
| the Webcasting for performances on Blue Room. 


AT&T slams Google over open-access wireless proposal

,----[ Quote ]
| AT&T has asked Capitol Hill not to enable an open nationwide wireless 
| spectrum, claiming that Google's lobbying of such a network is a bid by the 
| search giant to obtain broadband airwaves at bargain-basement prices.  


Microsoft and MySpace join Govt's fight against online predators

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has joined the likes of MySpace and the child protection advocacy 
| group Bravehearts to help launch an extension of the Federal Government’s 
| NetAlert initiative, the Consultative Working Group.  


Australia's porn-blocking plan unveiled

,----[ Quote ]
| While individual filters will be available beginning later this month, 
| ISP-level blocking may take some time to implement. The Australian 
| Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is currently planning a trial of 
| ISP-level filtering in Tasmania that will inform the government's decision on 
| a national launch.    


Yahoo!, Microsoft ink web pact with Chinese government

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft and Yahoo! have signed a pact with the Chinese government 
| that "encourages" the big name web players to record the identities of 
| bloggers and censor content. So says Reporters Without Borders, an 
| organization that fights for journalistic rights across the globe.   


Chinese Internet dissident committed to mental hospital

,----[ Quote ]
| "It is not acceptable that Chinese authorities use such methods to silence 
| citizens who have merely peacefully voiced their opinions", expressed the 
| organisation in an announcement. Apparently authorities have not abandoned 
| the practice of punishing those who have exposed the abuse of power and 
| defied censorship by compulsorily committing them to mental institutions.    


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