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[News] Xen's Open Source Development Team to Double in Size

  • Subject: [News] Xen's Open Source Development Team to Double in Size
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 03:51:02 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Simon Crosby of Citrix Discusses Virtualization Heading into 2008

,----[ Quote ]
| Q: How has the Citrix/XenSource acquisition affected the Xen open source 
| community? Can you tell us a little more about how this has played out? 
| A: As of Jan 1 the Xen project will have its first full time program manager 
| focused solely on community development, and we will soon double the size of 
| our open source development team – all courtesy of Citrix. The net effect 
| will be an increased rate of development on Xen, from Itanium super computers 
| to ARM based PDAs.     



Linux Embraces KVM Virtualization

,----[ Quote ]
| Qumranet says the difference between Xen and KVM is that Xen is an external 
| hypervisor that assumes control of the machines and divides resources among 
| guests while KVM is part of Linux and uses the regular Linux scheduler and  
| memory management. It says it's smaller and simpler to use and sometimes 
| faster.   


Linux Kernel Goes Virtual: A Challenge to Xen?

,----[ Quote ]
| KVM virtualization in Linux 2.6.20 could potentially challenge
| open source virtualization specialist Xen, which has been aiming
| for Linux kernel inclusion for nearly two years. KVM was created
| and is maintained by technology start-up Qumranet.


Qumranet reveals reason for all that KVM work

,----[ Quote ]
| Given how much time and money it had sunk into KVM the Linux-based, 
| open-source virtualization project, it's not a surprise that that 
| stealth-mode start-up Qumranet was working on virtualization. But until 
| Monday, the company refused to say just exactly how.   


Increasing Virtualization Insanity

,----[ Quote ]
| For sysadmin types this means: do what you have to do with Xen for now. But 
| keep the investments small. For developers this means: don't let yourself be 
| tied to a platform. Use an abstraction layer such as libvirt to bridge over 
| the differences. For architects this means: don't looking to Xen for answers, 
| base your new designs on KVM.    


Kernel space: KVM virtualization layer progress

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux virtualization frenzy has a new challenger: the
| simplified virtualization technology, KVM, has made it
| into the standard kernel.
| [...]
| Perhaps the most interesting outcome of all this, however, is how KVM is 
| gaining momentum as the virtualization approach of choice - at least for 
| contemporary and future hardware.


Virtualization begins to materialize in the Linux kernel

,----[ Quote ]
| Virtualization, the ability to run multiple "virtual" systems on a
| single host, is nearly as old as solid state computing. But it's been
| all the rage again in recent years, with more than a dozen large-scale
| Linux virtualization projects -- and while they require special
| custom kernels, patches, and software, the first steps toward 
| OS-level virtualization have been implemented in the Linux kernel.


Linux KVM Virtualization Performance

,----[ Quote ]
| The benefits of KVM are high performance, stable, no modifications
| of the guest operating system are necessary, and a great deal of
| other capabilities (e.g. using the Linux scheduler). Once the Linux
| 2.6.20 kernel is officially out the door we will proceed with a
| greater number of KVM benchmarks in various environments including
| looking at the hardware virtualization performance between AMD and
| Intel.


Ballmer: Microsoft Will Buy Open-Source Companies

,----[ Quote ]
| "We will do some buying of companies that are built around open-source 
| products," Ballmer said during an onstage interview at the Web 2.0 Summit in 
| San Francisco.  


Is Microsoft Hijacking Open Source?

,----[ Quote ]
| What really worries me is what looks like an emerging pattern in Microsoft's 
| behaviour. The EU agreement is perhaps the first fruit of this, but I predict 
| it will not be the last. What is happening is that Microsoft is effectively 
| being allowed to define the meaning of “open source” as it wishes, not as 
| everyone else understands the term. For example, in the pledge quoted above, 
| an open source project is “not commercially distributed by its 
| participants” - and this is a distinction also made by Kroes and her FAQ.      
| In this context, the recent approval of two Microsoft licences as 
| officially “open source” is only going to make things worse. Although I felt 
| this was the right decision – to have ad hoc rules just because it's 
| Microsoft would damage the open source process - I also believe it's going to 
| prove a problem. After all, it means that Microsoft can rightfully point to 
| its OSI-approved licences as proof that open source and Microsoft no longer 
| stand in opposition to each other. This alone is likely to perplex people who 
| thought they understood what open source meant.       
| [...]
| What we are seeing here are a series of major assaults on different but 
| related fields – open source, open file formats and open standards. All are 
| directed to one goal: the hijacking of the very concept of openness. If we 
| are to stop this inner corrosion, we must point out whenever we see wilful 
| misuse and lazy misunderstandings of the term, and we must strive to make the  
| real state of affairs quite clear. If we don't, then core concepts like “open 
| source” will be massaged, kneaded and pummelled into uselessness.     


Will Microsoft Buy the New Citrix?  

,----[ Quote ]
| VMware, holding some 85 percent of the market, with its VI3 technologies 
| offers a fully integrated stack and represents a third generation of 
| virtualization technology, while Viridian and Xen-based products, including 
| SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, XenEnterprise 
| and Virtual Iron, remain second-generation products, the report stated.    


Heady Days for Virtual Systems

,----[ Quote ]
| The former Microsoft Latest News about Microsoft general manager is
| now vice president of XenSource, a Palo Alto, Calif., virtualization 
| company with a growing outpost in Redmond, Wash.


What the XenSource deal says about open source

,----[ Quote ]
| This is what Citrix is paying for. That and a close relationship with 
| Microsoft that looks likely to get closer. “We will be building dynamic 
| virtualization services and management tools on top of Viridian,” Levine 
| added. “We will build the same set of products we’ve built on top of Xen for 
| Viridian. We’ve already hired a team to go do that up in Redmond.”    
| While Citrix maintained it will continue support for the Xen project, this 
| deal is not about a proprietary vendor getting open source religion. It's 
| about grabbing an emerging player in a rapidly expanding sector of the 
| market.   


For Citrix, Target Acquired

,----[ Quote ]
| You said earlier this year that Citrix is an "admirer" of Microsoft for its 
| innovation, Adobe for its strong brand and Apple for its easy-to-use 
| products. After watching your swift acquisition pace and the kind of 
| companies you target for acquisition, I would argue Citrix is patterned more 
| after Cisco Systems. Do you think that's a reasonable argument?    
| You are thinking of the acquisition point of view instead of the comments I 
| made. Those were about role models. Cisco has not been a role model for our 
| acquisitions. They are a fabulous company. We love Cisco. When I talk about 
| Microsoft, Adobe and Apple, they are role models for the things I cited.   
| I happen to be a huge believer in role models. It's pragmatic: If someone 
| does something really well, study it and translate that into your own 
| business. I think it applies to companies and people. The way you better 
| yourself is to find someone you want to be like and try to be like them. That 
| impacts the way we work at Citrix.     


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