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[News] Open Source and Humanitarian Needs

Open source helps housing effort

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source software will serve at the heart of a project management system 
| developed in a humanitarian effort to design housing for the needy.
| [...]
| Communities in areas affected by disasters such as Hurricane Katrina
| and the South Asian tsunami are intended benefactors of the system.
| One particular project involves designing inexpensive homes for Gulf
| Coast families in Mississippi. Also, designers in places such as
| Afghanistan, Angola and Chile are putting projects on the network.



Free Works in Africa

,----[ Quote ]
| Fortunately for the school, eTux was being formed by a group of
| local Linux geeks. It provides networked computers to disadvantaged
| schools and communities. As its name implies, eTux uses Linux and
| open-source software.
| eTux scrounged some secondhand workstations and transformed them
| into thin clients. The thin clients were then connected to a Linux
| Terminal Server running Edubuntu, the educational version of
| Ubuntu Linux--free software backed by South African Internet
| mogul Mark Shuttleworth.


Open-source system helps victims cope with disasters

,----[ Quote ]
| The Sahana Free and Open Source project was built over three
| weeks to help coordinate tsunami relief efforts in Sri Lanka by
| a group of volunteers from the Sri Lankan IT industry, in
| collaboration with IBM.


Working Linux Emergency Response System
Undermined at Homeland Security by Microsoft Lobbying
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,----[ Overview ]
| LAMP is at the heart of Emergency Response Network Systems and is
| saving lives. But recently, Microsoft maneuvered into taking the system
| away from a Free Software vendor.


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