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Re: [News] The Guardian on SCO's Imminent Bankruptcy

__/ [ Doug Mentohl ] on Friday 09 February 2007 18:07 \__

> On Fri, 09 Feb 2007 16:19:05 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> The company's revenues from Unix, the
>> operating system it sued IBM to protect ..
> No it sued IBM to get 'revenue' out of them as well as their own customers
> Chrysler and AutoZone. It never owned UNIX in the first place.
>> "The SCO case," says Zittrain, "is likely not to greatly
>> impact Linux. But think there are plenty of other shoes
>> still to drop against free software."
> What other shoes are they refering to ..

You know, create some scare... and stir things up a little...

Like this one...

Wal-Mart eyes Microsoft for Web build-out

,----[ Quote ]
| She said the intellectual property protections in the Novell deal
| give Wal-Mart more confidence in using Linux more broadly.
| Questions over intellectual property are a "huge problem," Stewart
| said. The company now uses Linux in the data center of its current
| Web presence but had some trepidation with the idea of expanding it
| a much larger operation.
| "To think about using it pervasively, we were very concerned about
| it," she said. The larger Web operation would have "significantly
| higher legal exposure.


Or this one... about a so-called ban. *gasp*

| By Jim Finkle
| BOSTON (Reuters) - The Free Software Foundation is reviewing Novell
| Inc.'s (NOVL.O: Quote, Profile , Research) right to sell new
| versions of Linux operating system software after the open-source
| community criticized Novell for teaming up with Microsoft
| Corp. (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile , Research)
| "The community of people wants to do anything they can to interfere
| with this deal and all deals like it. They have every reason to be
| deeply concerned that this is the beginning of a significant patent
| aggression by Microsoft," Eben Moglen, the Foundation's general
| counsel, said on Friday.
| The foundation controls intellectual property rights to key parts of
| the open-source Linux operating system.

Reporters either add drama or add to their bank balance. But it's hard to
find these things out.

                        ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Othello for Win32/Linux: http://othellomaster.com
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