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[News] Creating Your Own Linux Distribution - the Ubuntu Way

There are many solutions that make it very simple (e.g. rPath's way), but
here's another.

Build Your Own Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| Custom Linux is Not Just for Hardcore Linux Gurus. Over the past couple
| of years, I have watched a number of "roll your own distribution" 
| options come and go, most without a lot of fan-fair. I guess it's safe
| to say that each had its own idea of who they were trying to entice
| into trying their method. But when I discovered that Reconstructor is
| the ideal tool for users looking at creating their own "version" of
| Ubuntu, I had to examine this closer.
| At first pass, Reconstructor doesn't look any different than many of
| the other Ubuntu tools in the market. But once I took a peek at the
| screenshots, I came to understand the power behind re-branding a
| Linux distribution like this. If you need something to be included,
| Reconstructor makes this possible.



List of Ubuntu Based Linux Distributions and Live Cd's


Nice comment I came across:

,----[ Quote ]
| 'I hearby pronounce the neverending joke about this finally being
| the "year of the Linux Desktop" officially dead. Linux IS on the desktop,
| and my grandmother DOES use it for everything most people use
| Windows for--email, web browsing, music, watching movies, casual
| gaming. ...and if you are indeed arguing that desktop Linux is
| nonexistant, then you're a goddamned ignorant troll.'


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