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[News] Network: Open APIs Debate Brings High Hopes

An open API for networking technology?

,----[ Quote ]
| Procurve's 'bold new security vision strategy'



Getting Over the Love-Hate Dynamic With Open Standards

,----[ Quote ]
| While the number of companies installing all-SIP or all-open source
| networks continues to grow, it's clear that the overall market
| has not gotten over this love-hate relationship with open standards. 



The Microsoft Zombie Army will force Samba out of the Enterprise

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista is to ship with a new version of SMB, called SMB2. At
| minute 40 in this FLOSS Weekly podcast, Jeremy Allison of
| Samba talks of behavior that will flood the network with
| 1500 packets just to do a network file delete. This will
| turn Vista computers into a DOS (Denial of Service) attack
| upon Samba based computers on the network.


Why the world needs openness, not interoperability.

,----[ Quote ]
| This NAC/NAP lovefest would be laughable if it weren't such
| a kick-in-the-teeth to the rest of the industry, enterprise IT, and
| all Internet users. A Cisco/Microsoft oligopoly stalls implementation,
| stifles innovation, and makes the network less secure. In this way, Cisco
| and Microsoft are standing in the way of progress.


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