Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Feb 2007 20:00:51 +0100, Peter KÃhlmann wrote:
>>> So, you'd like to see all that yap cut down, but you don't want to
>>> discuss how much yap there is?
>> Well, strange that you widiots never talk about the amount of pure,
>> unadultered garbage coming from the likes of "linux-sux", DFS, wjbell and
>> other assorted scum
> Actually, I have, in the past. As a rule, I don't read them.
Good. Then stop whining about Roy. Because you just have no grounds at all
But naturally, you will still whine, piss and moan about Roy posting linux
advocacy, and say nothing at all about your scum windows compatriots,
because they are windows users like you.
You're genuinely bogus.