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Re: "So what did Bill Gates see?" (Before jumping ship)

__/ [ flyer ] on Thursday 15 February 2007 09:31 \__

> "There can be no more eloquent statement that Microsoft is growing
> irrelevant than Bill Gates' announcement on 15 June 2006 that he is
> stepping down from daily operations. Ray Ozzie has already taken over
> as Chief Software Architect.
> "One of the most eloquent dispositions on how badly things have gone
> wrong within Microsoft was by a Windows group insider (3). It
> describes the state of paralysis within the company caused by the
> horrifying complexity of monolithic integration, and persistent denial
> of reality by Microsoft's development management."
> "So what did Bill Gates see?"
> http://aaxnet.com/editor/edit040.html

Some insiders have given their opinion:

Understanding Open Source technology

,----[ Quote ]
| Already industrial watchers are pointing to a serious showdown,
| which in the meantime, the Chief Executive of Microsoft Corporation,
| Steve Ballmer did not rule out in a recent interview in which he
| also explained why Microsoft announced a sweeping reorganisation
| of its Windows division.
| "We have to outrun this phenomenon [OSS]" he was quoted as saying, and "
| ...if we let up for a minute... then that other stuff will gain"
| attraction.


Niall Sez Microsoft is Too Big and Paralyzed

,----[ Quote ]
| Lots of echoes in the chamber rolled up at TechMeme. Rumblings of
| cut-backs and paralysis and Microsoft being the new IBM. I certainlya
| gree with the desire for Microsoft to be a way smaller company (thoughI
|  think every time I say that, or ring a bell, 100 more people get hired).
| I'm not bought into the split-up, except for the sobering benefit of
| cutting off the cash-cow money flow that allows an abundance of waste
| and bad decisions elsewhere in the company.


Allchin's 'Buy a Mac' E-Mail Exposed

,----[ Quote ]
| "I must tell you everything in my soul tells me that we should do
| what I called plan (b) yesterday. We need a simple fast storage
| system. LH [Longhorn] is a pig and I don't see any solution to this
| problem. If we are to rise to the challenge of Linux and Apple, we
|                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| need to start taking the lessons of 'scenario, simple, fast' to
| heart. Jim"


,----[ Quote ]
| "Up to 60% of the code in the new consumer version of Microsoft new Vista
| operating system is set to be rewritten as the Company 'scrambles' to fix
| internal problems a Microsoft insider has confirmed to SHN... Microsoft has
| also admitted that it has major problems in it's Windows division and has
| has immediately initiated a total restructure of the division..."


                ~~ Greetings

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Open Source Othello: http://othellomaster.com
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