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Re: Linux is for Patriotism?

On Feb 13, 10:55 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Why Patriots should use Linux and other free software
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The whole idea behind the truth movement of today, whether it be
> | anti war, anti new world order, anti gun control, anti big
> | government, is to spread information to as many people as
> | possible, so that we may reach the critical mass necessary
> | to create real change in this country. One of the greatest
> | assets we have in spreading this information is through the
> | internet, using our computers. Why should we trust this great
> | task to a computer that isn't going to do what we want when it
> | conflicts with what these giant corporations want it to do.
> `----

The important part of these discussions is that issues are raised,
solutions are proposed and considered, and alternatives are
considered.  Very often, these solutions are in the "in-between".  The
cold war ended, partly because the possibility of common goals, common
desires, and a desire to eliminate waste of resources led to
discussions in both the USA and the USSR which allowed both sides to
step back from the polarization of the system that created the cold
war.  Many of the technologies and markets which were designed
primarily for military use, including TCP/IP, GPS, DES encryption, and
hubble style telescopes, found new uses in the civilian sector.

Welfare reform, training, and other economic growth programs were also
the product of open discussions in which polarized parties were able
to discuss and find common ground were implementable solutions were

> Related:
> Buy Microsoft, it's your patriotic duty
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | That seemed to be the message at the London launch of Microsoft Vista,
> | Office 2007 and Exchange 2007 on 30 November 2006. Gordon Frazer,
> | Microsoft's UK managing director, devoted most his opening speech to
> | a gallimaufry of statistics and quotations intended to show that
> | buying these new offerings would somehow make Britain more competitive.
> `----
> http://www.it-director.com/enterprise/other/content.php?cid=9038&ref=...

Getting COMPUTERS into the classroom is good idea because it creates a
foundation for education that will be relevant to elementary school
kids who will need computer skills by the time they graduate from high

The specifics of these computers is more open to flexibility.
Microsoft is one alternative, but so is Mac or Linux or Solaris or
BSD.  And an OpenSource solution would give older students a chance to
understand HOW the technology works.  History is rife with examples of
technology created by one generation, then used to elevate an a leader
to being a "God", only to be completely destroyed as both the dictator/
emporor and the technology he wielded to manipulate others were
destroyed completely.  The pyramids of egypt, the Ark of the Covenant,
the Library of Alexandria, the Balloons of south america, the weapons
of Leonardo DaVinci, all brief flashes of reality, used discretely,
then destroyed - either by the user who didn't want others to know how
his weapons worked, or by a rival who wanted to destroy the dictator.

Microsoft has been like the priests of Ammon, elevating a Pharoh to
God status, using electricity, lightning, and perhaps even gravity, to
do things that were extraordinary.  To the ignorant observer, guided
by the priests to not look or question to closely, it would look like
"magic" being performed by "gods".  In reality, some of the science of
ancient egypt is only barely making sense to us today.

Microsoft's power depends on the ignorance of computer users.  If only
an elite group - the priests, the emporor, the oracle, the Shogun,
know the secrets of electricity, forging steel, digging wells,
aquaducts, medicine and surgery, or even masonry and hydrolics, their
power is almost absolute.  Unfortunately, the oppressed often
retailate to the extreme, destroying all of the technology of those
previously in power, leading to the "Dark Ages".

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