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[News] Microsoft and Novell Delay Release of GPLv3

Linux license delayed by Novell/Microsoft review

,----[ Quote ]
| The partnership between Microsoft Corp. and Novell Inc. has
| delayed completion of a new license that will govern rights
| to key parts of the Linux operating system.


Novell and GPLv3: Let the Beatings Begin!

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is not a friend to Linux, and to believe that their
| dealings with Novell are not part of a long-term plan to
| backdoor the Linux way of doing things is frankly laughable.
| Once you understand this, I will say that Novell has done a
| lot for the Linux community previously. As such, while faulting
| them in this whole matter is not easy for me, I can?t see how
| this entire thing is not going to prove to be troublesome a few
| years down the road.


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