mlw wrote:
> I'm not talking about Mac OS/X, while it is a good start, it isn't "quite"
> UNIX, the GUI is somewhat closed an inflexible.
> Envision this:
> The world runs FreeBSD, Linux, or what ever.
> No funky "citrix" clients, most any program's GUI can be displayed on most
> any computer on a network.
> Secure and safe remote access, built in.
> Actual choice in vendors.
> Ahh, what a world it could have been, and may still be.
Well, it's only a matter of time. You think there's any way that the
people of China, India, Indonesia, etc, are going to cough-up the fees to
legally license Micro$oft software? Even if only one in ten Chinese does
this, it's still ten's of $billions per year. That's quite an incentive
to have a "home grown" OS. What the hell do they need M$ for, when all
that OSS is there for the taking?
Sure, in the US and Western Europe, it will take a long time to loosen the
M$ death-grip on the desktop. But even there, it's only a matter of time
before OSS obtains a critical mass and public awareness so that it becomes
a common choice for the typical computer user.