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[News] Eric Raymond Moves to Ubuntu Linux

Goodbye, Fedora

,----[ Quote ]
|     * From: esr thyrsus com (Eric S. Raymond)
|     * To: fedora-devel-list redhat com
|     * Cc: lwn lwn net, editors newsforge com, sjvn vna1 com, editors 
|           linuxtoday com
|     * Subject: Goodbye, Fedora
|     * Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 03:03:50 -0500 (EST)
| [...]
| This afternoon, I installed Edgy Eft on my main development machine --
| from one CD, not five.  In less than three hours' work I was able to
| recreate the key features of my day-to-day toolkit.  The
| after-installation mass upgrade to current packages, always a
| frightening prospect under Fedora, went off without a hitch.


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