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KNode - February 21st - February 28th 2007

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22 Feb Re: The Differences Between GNOME and KDE
25 Feb Re: Linux Handles Videos Better Than Windows
25 Feb Re: sad bastard cross posts ..


22 Feb Re: [News] Eric Raymond Moves to Ubuntu Linux
24 Feb COLA Stats: Saturday the 24th of February, 2007.
25 Feb Re: [News] Sony's Linux Pages Exposed; Dell Urged to Lower Price of PCs with GNU/Linux Preinstalled
26 Feb Re: [News] Dell Will Preinstall Linux


21 Feb Re: [News] Another Security Bug Found in Windows Vista


22 Feb Re: Ballmer repeats threats against Linux
23 Feb Re: [News] Dell Having Problems with Windows Vista

Ana Thema

26 Feb Re: [News] 20-year Microsoft User Switches to Linux


27 Feb Re: Dell Does Linux

Arne Knut Roev

22 Feb Re: [News] Linux Became Suitable to All Ages and Backgrounds
24 Feb Re: C.O.L.A. Newcomer FAQ and Primer - Edition: 0.2.1-4a - 03/01/07

Aunty Diluvian

28 Feb Re: [News] Trying Vista, Returning to Windows XP

B Gruff

21 Feb Re: Vista Advertising Ineffective; Software Pirates Eliminated; Microsoft in Court
23 Feb Re: [News] Nice New Beryl/Kiba Video
23 Feb Re: [News] Critical Internet Explorer Flaw Returns to Life, Affects IE7
25 Feb Re: [News] Lenovo Preloads Linux, But Gives Windows Dual-boot Option for Free
26 Feb Re: Report The Linux SPAMMER !
27 Feb Re: City of Zaragoza Abandons Windows, Switches to Linux
28 Feb Re: [News] State of California Could Say Goodbye to Microsoft Proprietary Formats


22 Feb Re: [News] LockerGnomer Leaves Windows, Chooses Ubuntu Linux; Linux Wireless Beats Windows
23 Feb Re: [News] XBox Still Slaughtered by PS2, Which Now Costs Just 50 GB Pounds
23 Feb Re: [News] A Couple of Punches at Novell's Deal, from a Journalist
23 Feb Re: [News] Linux Gets New VoIP Recording Software
23 Feb Re: [News] Sun Microsystems Sends Mixed Messages While Server Sales Improve
23 Feb Re: [News] Attempt at Xfce-KDE-GNOME Benchmark

Black Dragon

26 Feb Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 26 Feb 2007


21 Feb Re: We are already at end of proprietary code

Danny Kwong

27 Feb Re: DFS responses; not technical; watered down
27 Feb Re: [News] Why It's Important to Always Ask Sellers/Support for Linux (Visibility)

Dean G.

23 Feb Re: Dell Having Problems with Windows Vista
23 Feb Re: Dell Having Problems with Windows Vista
26 Feb Re: The Reason Web-based Office Suite May Have Upper Hand on Desktop office
28 Feb Re: Microsoft's Dirty Trick Could Users to Wine, Hurt Windows


21 Feb Re: [News] Man Tries Windows Vista, Vows to Never Try It Again
26 Feb Re: [News] Dell Will Preinstall Linux

Doug Mentohl

24 Feb Re: MS: Open Source overlaps our IP ..
26 Feb Re: sad bastard cross posts ..
26 Feb Re: [News] When They Say Linux is Communism, Show 'Em This...
27 Feb Re: [News] Gates Destroys IT Industry, Then Whines About Its State


24 Feb Re: [News] The Imminent Death of (Windows) Live?

Erik Funkenbusch

22 Feb Re: [Roy Schestowitz Lies Again] Microsoft Acknowledges UAC is a Failure
23 Feb Re: [News] Another Anti-virus Cockup Almost Leaves Windows Users Vulnerable
23 Feb Re: [News] Buggy, Anti-consumer O/S Forcefed to Customers
24 Feb Re: [News] New "Highly Critical" Vulnerability Found in Office 2007
24 Feb Re: [News] Vista Bugs and Rants (They Just Keep Coming)
24 Feb Re: [News] Another IE7 Security Issue?
24 Feb Re: [News] New Linux User Burned By Wireless (was: [News] Microsoft Outlook Drives Away Users)


21 Feb Re: New Zealand Inland Revenue Department Chooses Linux
21 Feb Re: New Zealand Inland Revenue Department Chooses Linux
21 Feb Re: KDE 4 Gets New File Manager
28 Feb ROY's posts -- How many lurkers reading them as well. HEH HEH The Word's going OUT.
28 Feb Roy's Repeating/Combining posts is critical to getting them HEARD
28 Feb Re: Windows adds 'maybe pirate' category


22 Feb Re: Global project at the SigEx Foundry

Geico Caveman

22 Feb Re: [News] Eric Raymond Moves to Ubuntu Linux
22 Feb Re: [News] Microsoft 'Pulls a Netscape' on Virtualisation Market?


23 Feb Re: Petition Created to Protest Against Microsoft's Overpricing in UK
23 Feb Re: C.O.L.A. Newcomer FAQ and Primer - Edition: 0.2.1-4a - 03/01/07

Gregory Shearman

21 Feb Re: Microsoft Implicitly Suggests 64-bit Windows is Not Ready (Hides Option)

Guy Fawkes

23 Feb Re: [News] CDs Don't Work in Vista, Work Fine in Linux

Hadron Quark

22 Feb Re: [News] PS3 (Linux-ready) to Rip Microsoft in Spain Launch, Highest in Demand; Nintendo Sells the Most Consoles
23 Feb Re: [News] "Microsoft Fanboy" Had Enough, Moves to GNU/Linux
24 Feb Re: [News] "Microsoft Fanboy" Had Enough, Moves to GNU/Linux
24 Feb Re: COLA Stats: Saturday the 24th of February, 2007.
24 Feb Re: Why isn't anyone doing Marketing for FOSS ??
24 Feb Re: "Microsoft Will Be Defeated" -- the Web Site
24 Feb Re: C.O.L.A. Newcomer FAQ and Primer - Edition: 0.2.1-3 - 03/01/07
25 Feb Re: Windows Vista Perils in Desktop Adoption (or "How to Crash" Vista Every Time")
27 Feb Re: Windows for Warships ..
28 Feb Re: [News] Yet Another Site Names Vista a "Downgrade"

Handover Phist

23 Feb Re: [News] Vista Bedevils OpenOffice, VM Doesn't Handle Ubuntu Linux
27 Feb Re: [News] Why It's Important to Always Ask Sellers/Support for Linux (Visibility)
28 Feb Re: DFS responses; not technical; watered down

Ian Hilliard

26 Feb Re: [News] Fedora Hits Back at Eric Raymond

Ian Semmel

23 Feb Re: [News] University Dumps Everything Windows, But Chooses Macs

Jamie Hart

21 Feb Re: We are already at end of proprietary code
21 Feb Re: [News] Man Tries Windows Vista, Vows to Never Try It Again
22 Feb Re: [News] Man Tries Windows Vista, Vows to Never Try It Again
23 Feb Re: [News] Man Tries Windows Vista, Vows to Never Try It Again
27 Feb Re: [News] At Least 100,000 Businesses Have Dumped Microsoft Office


23 Feb Re: [News] "Microsoft Fanboy" Had Enough, Moves to GNU/Linux

Jerry McBride

24 Feb Re: Apple Software Has Kill Switch for Pirates
24 Feb Re: [News] AMD Brings First Motherboard with LinuxBIOS Support?


21 Feb Re: [News] Another Security Bug Found in Windows Vista
21 Feb Re: [News] Three Single-board computers Target Linux


25 Feb Re: Web Site Launched to Demand Microsoft Lists (Non-existent) IP Violations

Johan Lindquist

23 Feb Re: [Roy Schestowitz Lies Again] Microsoft Acknowledges UAC is a Failure

John Bailo

21 Feb Re: We are already at end of proprietary code
27 Feb Re: [News] Windows Gets Linux-esque Elements
28 Feb Re: [NEWS] Vista's UI is a 'step back,' analyst says
28 Feb Re: [News] UK IT Chiefs Prepared to Ditch Microsoft Office (and Choose an ODF Life)
28 Feb Re: [News] Organisational Issues at Microsoft Continue
28 Feb Re: [News] Microsoft Schools are Apparently a Flop
28 Feb Re: [News] More Companies Just Sued Over MP3, Except Linux Companies
28 Feb Re: [News] Dell Will Preinstall Linux
28 Feb Re: [News] Microsoft Uses Typos to Generate Revenue and Boost Market Share
28 Feb Re: Thoughts On Dell's Linux 'Hoax'

Kelsey Bjarnason

22 Feb Re: Switching to Linux, Not OS X or Windows


24 Feb Re: Apple Software Has Kill Switch for Pirates


23 Feb Re: Dell Users Ask for Linux and OpenOffice
23 Feb Re: [News] Buggy, Anti-consumer O/S Forcefed to Customers
25 Feb Re: [News] Microsoft Outlook Drives Away Users


21 Feb Re: [News] The Differences Between GNOME and KDE
26 Feb Re: Tech Journalist Can't Even Install Ubuntu Linux? Ubuntu Linux SUCKS!
28 Feb Re: [News] Thoughts On Dell's Linux 'Hoax'

Mark K. Bilbo

22 Feb Re: Switching to Linux, Not OS X or Windows
23 Feb Re: Review of XFce 4.4 - with Translucency Effects

Mark Kent

22 Feb Re: [News] United Kingdom to Open an Open Source Policy Institute
22 Feb Re: Digestable News
22 Feb Re: [News] Microsoft Trying to 'Pull a Novell' on Red Hat
22 Feb Re: [News] Eric Raymond Moves to Ubuntu Linux
23 Feb Re: [News] 19-year-old Child Penetrates Thousands of Windows PCs
23 Feb Re: [News] Dell Weighing Linux on Laptops
23 Feb Re: [News] Even Patent FUD and Lockins Failed to Stop Nationwide Linux/OSS Migrations
23 Feb Re: [News] AMD Brings First Motherboard with LinuxBIOS Support?
23 Feb Re: [News] Cisco Thinks Open Standards/Protocols Means Open Source; Skype Wants Openness Despite Hypocrisy
23 Feb Re: [News] Linux Gets New VoIP Recording Software
23 Feb Re: [News] Petition Created to Protest Against Microsoft's Overpricing in UK
23 Feb Re: [News] University Dumps Everything Windows, But Chooses Macs
23 Feb Re: [News] XBox Still Slaughtered by PS2, Which Now Costs Just 50 GB Pounds
23 Feb Re: [News] Cisco Thinks Open Standards/Protocols Means Open Source; Skype Wants Openness Despite Hypocrisy
23 Feb Re: [News] Nokia Happy With Debian Linux
24 Feb Re: [News] Another Lawsuit Against Microsoft (This Time "Office Live")
24 Feb Re: [News] Microsoft Uses O/S Monopoly to Erode Rivals' Market Share
24 Feb Re: [News] Mac User Tries to Mimic Linux Looks
24 Feb Re: [News] Novell Responds to Microsoft's Linux Threats
24 Feb Re: [News] On Conflicting Interests and Monpolies
24 Feb Re: [News] Open Source is the Winner in Alcatel-Lucent vs. Microsoft Case
24 Feb Re: [News] University Dumps Everything Windows, But Chooses Macs
24 Feb Re: Apple Software Has Kill Switch for Pirates
24 Feb Re: COLA Stats: Saturday the 24th of February, 2007.
24 Feb Re: Why isn't anyone doing Marketing for FOSS ??
25 Feb Re: [News] At Least 100,000 Businesses Have Dumped Microsoft Office
25 Feb Re: [News] On Conflicting Interests and Monpolies


21 Feb Re: C.O.L.A. Newcomer FAQ and Primer - Edition: 0.2.1-3 - 03/01/07
21 Feb Re: Troll Lull Alert!!!
26 Feb Re: [News] Sun Microsystems Becomes More Like Linux to Survive


26 Feb Re: [News] Windows Vista Interface/Usability Flaws

Oliver Wong

21 Feb Re: [News] PS3 (Linux-ready) to Rip Microsoft in Spain Launch, Highest in Demand; Nintendo Sells the Most Consoles

Paul Bramscher

25 Feb Re: [News] Microsoft Already Testing Windows-Killer (Pay-as-you-go PC)

Peter KÃhlmann

21 Feb Re: [News] Man Tries Windows Vista, Vows to Never Try It Again
22 Feb Re: Switching to Linux, Not OS X or Windows

Peter Kai Jensen

26 Feb Re: Roy Schestowitz is being PAID to SPEW the Groups.


22 Feb Re: Microsoft Shill (Rob Enderle) Uses Cuba Case for FUD Assault
26 Feb Re: Linux Loses Big Customer: SCO
26 Feb Re: Ballmer's Quotes Behind the Scenes - Leaked by Mini Microsoft
28 Feb Re: Thoughts On Dell's Linux 'Hoax'


21 Feb Re: Keeping the spin going, Gates says Vista has been incredibly well received
26 Feb Re: [News] Search Engines Reveal That People Love Linux (Unscientific)
26 Feb Re: [News] CBC: MP3 Case Helps Justify Abandonment of DRM


27 Feb Re: City of Zaragoza Abandons Windows, Switches to Linux
27 Feb Re: Piracy Remains Microsoft's Best Friend
27 Feb Re: Windows Device Driver Obsolescence Leads User to Linux


22 Feb Re: Five Reason to Avoid Windows Vista, Move to Linux
27 Feb Re: Report The Linux SPAMMER !

Rex Ballard

21 Feb Re: Linux Became Suitable to All Ages and Backgrounds
28 Feb Re: Windows Gets Linux-esque Elements

Richard Rasker

28 Feb Re: [Prediction] Ballmer will follow Bill off sinking ship in 2 years


23 Feb Re: [News] 19-year-old Child Penetrates Thousands of Windows PCs

Robert Newson

22 Feb Re: [News] Visual Proof That Dell 'Punishes' Non-Windows Users
23 Feb Re: [News] Petition Created to Protest Against Microsoft's Overpricing in UK
24 Feb Re: [News] Novell Responds to Microsoft's Linux Threats
24 Feb Re: [News] Microsoft Says The Sky is Falling

Roy Schestowitz

21 Feb Re: tech journalist can't get SAMBA working ..
21 Feb [News] "We are already at end of proprietary code"
21 Feb [News] Switching to Linux, Not OS X or Windows
21 Feb [News] Network Computing Suggests Looking at Office Alternatives
21 Feb [News] Linux Database and Video Conferencing
21 Feb [News] Symbian Could See Move to Open Source
21 Feb [News] South Africa Still Undecided on OOXML/ODF
21 Feb [News] The Differences Between GNOME and KDE
21 Feb [News] Project Set Up to Implement Open Source Groove Equivalent
21 Feb [News] Perceptions Barriers in Linux and Open Source Adoption
21 Feb [News] Linux is All About Participation, Collaboration
21 Feb [News] Review of XFce 4.4 - with Translucency Effects
21 Feb [News] Linux Mint 2.2 (Enhanced Ubuntu) Released
21 Feb Re: [News] KDE 4 Gets New File Manager
21 Feb [News] Security Issues in Latest Windows
21 Feb [News] Windows Incompatible Even With Itself
21 Feb [News] PCMag: 10 Most Annoying Things About Windows Vista
21 Feb [News] Programming: Open Source JS Appeals to Companies; Video - Recursion in Linux Land
21 Feb Re: We are already at end of proprietary code
21 Feb Re: Another interesting Dell fact
21 Feb Re: With Open XML, Microsoft Is Riding A Gift Horse
21 Feb Re: Ballmer repeats threats against Linux
21 Feb [News] Dell Responds to Overwhelming Linux Desktop Demands
21 Feb [News] Ian Murdock to Talk About GNU/Linux Throughout Microsoft Visit
21 Feb [News] Gartner Changes View on Open Source Software
21 Feb [News] Company Chooses Open Source for Monitoring of 200 Servers
21 Feb [News] PlayStation 3 Becomes More Attractive with Movie Downloads
21 Feb [News] United States Group Criticised for Out-of-touch Intellectual Property Lobbying
21 Feb [News] Windows Vista Supports Microsoft Software 'Only' 22 Days After Release
21 Feb [News] New Version of VirtualBox Open Source Virtualisation
21 Feb [News] Wrongly Associating Linux with Politics
21 Feb [News] Another Security Bug Found in Windows Vista
21 Feb [News] 50 Schools Connected Through Linux
21 Feb [News] Three Single-board computers Target Linux
21 Feb [News] MSN Blogger Loves Vista... Not So Much
21 Feb [News] IBM Consultant: Vista Could Use 4 Gigabytes of RAM
21 Feb [News] Windows Live Gradually Implodes
21 Feb [News] Another Microsoft Manager Jumps Ships
21 Feb Re: [News] Three Single-board computers Target Linux
21 Feb Re: [News] Dell Only Lists Windows Vista as Option -- DRM Forcefeeding?
21 Feb Re: Unix: the complete reference ..
21 Feb Re: Ballmer claims ownership of open source ..
21 Feb Re: Linux to DC and running for office,its time !
21 Feb [News] Linux Became Suitable to All Ages and Backgrounds
21 Feb [News] Research Finds Open Source ESB Suitable for Enterprise, Cuts Cost
21 Feb [News] More Women in an Open Source World
21 Feb [News] Windows Vista Bedevils Symantec
21 Feb [News] Op-Ed: Is Windows Built to Degrade in Performance?
21 Feb [News] PS3 (Linux-ready) to Rip Microsoft in Spain Launch, Highest in Demand; Nintendo Sells the Most Consoles
21 Feb [News] KDE Goes Around the World
21 Feb Re: Ballmer repeats threats against Linux
21 Feb Re: Microsoft Implicitly Suggests 64-bit Windows is Not Ready (Hides Option)
21 Feb Re: Keeping the spin going, Gates says Vista has been incredibly well received
21 Feb Re: [News] Linux Became Suitable to All Ages and Backgrounds
21 Feb Re: We are already at end of proprietary code
21 Feb [News] Man Tries Windows Vista, Vows to Never Try It Again
21 Feb [News] Steve Ballmer's Mistake on Piracy
21 Feb [News] The State os Standards Compliance (or Lack Thereof at Microsoft)
21 Feb [News] Microsoft 'Pulls a Netscape' on Virtualisation Market?
21 Feb [News] Eric Raymond Moves to Ubuntu Linux
21 Feb [News] Indiana University Chooses Open Source ERP, Says Commercial ERP and CRM Are Doomed
21 Feb [News] Former President of Oracle Sidles with Open Source, Goes After Oracle
21 Feb [News] The Rsgister Slams Windows Vista's Poor Security
21 Feb [News] PlayStation 3 Hardware Has Much More in Store
21 Feb [News] More Open Source Solutions Brought to Eclipse
21 Feb [News] Google to Get Head Start in Tomorrow's Television?
21 Feb [News] Open Source Finds Way Into Chemistry
21 Feb [Mews] Sun Gets Cozy with Open Source Database to Compete with Linux
21 Feb [News] New Linux Kernels; New Version of Enlightenment
21 Feb [News] Things the Web Could Learn from GNU/Linux
21 Feb [News] Vista Advertising Ineffective; Software Pirates Eliminated; Microsoft in Court
21 Feb [News] More Love for Decentralised and Open Identity Management
21 Feb Re: We are already at end of proprietary code
21 Feb Re: [News] Dell Only Lists Windows Vista as Option -- DRM Forcefeeding?
21 Feb Re: Troll Lull Alert!!!
22 Feb Re: Got an invitation from Novell
22 Feb Re: Novell's policies succeeding
22 Feb Re: Dell users seek Linux ..
22 Feb Re: More Windows hilarity and mainstream media confusion
22 Feb Re: [News] Linux Became Suitable to All Ages and Backgrounds
22 Feb [News] New ATI Drivers for Linux, Benchmarks, Open Source/Reverse Engineering Effort
22 Feb [News] KDE 4 Executables for Mac OS X (Experimental), New KOffice Released
22 Feb [News] Review of the Latest Foresight Linux
22 Feb [News] Executable Installers in Linux (the Windows way)
22 Feb [News] Yet Another Phone is Powered by Linux
22 Feb [News] Vista/Linux Video Advert... Not so "Wow"
22 Feb [News] Sidux Linux 2007-01 Released; Screenshot Galleries of New Puppy, Protech
22 Feb [News] NTFS-3G Reaches 1.0 Stable Milestone
22 Feb [News] Novell Responds to Criticism
22 Feb [News] Microsoft Has No Respect for 'Intellectual' 'Property'
22 Feb [News] Microsoft Shill (Rob Enderle) Uses Cuba Case for FUD Assault
22 Feb [News] CMU Teaches Open Source as a New Course
22 Feb [News] $1.3 Million Cash Injection Goes to Open Source Wi-fi
22 Feb [News] Open Source Database Offered to Telecoms, Makes Linux Attractive
22 Feb [News] SA Dept of Science and Tech Gives People Open Source Software
22 Feb [News] The Reciprocal Relationship Between Linux and IBM
22 Feb [News] US High Court Believes Software Patents (AKA "Junk Patents") Invalid Overseas
22 Feb [News] Apple Users Protest Against BBC Over Microsoft-DRM Relationship
22 Feb [News] More People Reject Internet Explorer 7?
22 Feb [News] Windows Vista Security is Illusionary
22 Feb [News] Vista for "Hard-core Geeks and Masochists"?
22 Feb Re: [News] Man Tries Windows Vista, Vows to Never Try It Again
22 Feb Re: Linux breakthrough for Visual Basic developers
22 Feb Re: Dell Users Ask for Linux and OpenOffice
22 Feb Re: [OT] The Vista G spot
22 Feb Re: [News] Man Tries Windows Vista, Vows to Never Try It Again
22 Feb Re: [News] PS3 (Linux-ready) to Rip Microsoft in Spain Launch, Highest in Demand; Nintendo Sells the Most Consoles
22 Feb Re: [News] MSN Blogger Loves Vista... Not So Much
22 Feb Re: [News] PCMag: 10 Most Annoying Things About Windows Vista
22 Feb Re: Ballmer repeats threats against Linux
22 Feb Re: Ballmer repeats threats against Linux
22 Feb Re: Tech Journalist Can't Even Install Ubuntu Linux? Ubuntu Linux SUCKS!
22 Feb Re: Global project at the SigEx Foundry
22 Feb Re: [News] Linux Became Suitable to All Ages and Backgrounds
22 Feb Re: [News] Eric Raymond Moves to Ubuntu Linux
22 Feb Re: Hey ROY, What the heck is Dell gonna do???
22 Feb Re: MS shills: I'm PAID to post here. PLEASE listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22 Feb [News] Petition Calls for ODF Policy in Britain
22 Feb [News] PlayStation 3 with GNU/Linux Preinstalled @ $650
22 Feb [News] Linux Beats Windows Vista on Applications
22 Feb [News] Five Reason to Avoid Windows Vista, Move to Linux
22 Feb [News] E-mails Demonstrating Microsoft Crimes Resurrected after Iowa Site Shutdown
22 Feb Re: [News] Eric Raymond Moves to Ubuntu Linux
22 Feb Re: Linux breakthrough for Visual Basic developers
22 Feb [News] Military Technologies Conference Discusses Open Source Software
22 Feb [News] LockerGnomer Leaves Windows, Chooses Ubuntu Linux; Linux Wireless Beats Windows
22 Feb [News] Microsoft Acknowledges UAC is a Failure
22 Feb [News] IT Department of Quebec Chooses Linux
22 Feb [News] The Vatican Runs Linux
22 Feb [News] Fallacy: Intellectual Property and Innovation
22 Feb [News] Could GooTube Save the BBC from Microsoft DRM?
22 Feb [News] Qualcomm's Eudora Could be Saved by Open Source
22 Feb [News] Union Bank Chose Linux, Explains Why
22 Feb Re: Dell users seek Linux ..
22 Feb [News] South African Government Decides to Move to Free Open Source Software
22 Feb [News] DVL Interview, DSL Screenshots, and Opensuse Review
22 Feb [News] 20-year Microsoft User Switches to Linux
22 Feb [News] Microsoft YouTube Competitor Launched and Already Faces Problems
22 Feb [News] Gates' Latest Vista Lie
22 Feb [News] Has Microsoft Used Vista to Make Its Products Work Better Than Competitors'
22 Feb [News] Visual Proof That Dell 'Punishes' Non-Windows Users
22 Feb [News] Vista Contains Rusty Code; Microsoft.com Down
22 Feb [News] PostPath Ready to Replace Exchange with Linux Using Migration Tools
22 Feb [News] Interviews with Phipps, Allison, Packard, De Icaza, Everitt and Herzog
22 Feb Re: A Google Package Challenges Microsoft
22 Feb Re: Microsoft YouTube Competitor Launched and Already Faces Problems
22 Feb Re: [News] Could GooTube Save the BBC from Microsoft DRM?
22 Feb Re: [Opinion] Dell will tell MS to shove it up their crappy code base.
22 Feb Re: Microsoft tells users no on virtualized Vista
22 Feb Re: American Express, clueless or fearful
22 Feb Re: How to Crash Vista's Explorer
22 Feb Re: [News] Visual Proof That Dell 'Punishes' Non-Windows Users
22 Feb Re: [News] The Vatican Runs Linux
23 Feb Re: [news] MS Loses $1.2 B Case !
23 Feb [News] University Dumps Everything Windows, But Chooses Macs
23 Feb [News] DRM Alternative Finds Attraction
23 Feb [News] Vista Bedevils OpenOffice, VM Doesn't Handle Ubuntu Linux
23 Feb [News] Debian GNU/Linux on the Router
23 Feb [News] OOXML is a Hoax, But Are Office Macros a Legal Landmine?
23 Feb [News] Mandriva Spreads Linux in Africa (and Microsoft Loses More Nations)
23 Feb [News] Buggy, Anti-consumer O/S Forcefed to Customers
23 Feb [News] College Chooses Open Source, Dumps Microsoft
23 Feb [News] Microsoft Seeks Growth Through Large Acqusition
23 Feb [News] Dell Weighing Linux on Laptops
23 Feb [News] Petition Created to Protest Against Microsoft's Overpricing in UK
23 Feb [News] Another Anti-virus Cockup Almost Leaves Windows Users Vulnerable
23 Feb [News] Opera Compared Microsoft's Open XML to Corruption of Web Standards
23 Feb [News] Open Source Business Intelligence Partnership Tightened
23 Feb [News] 19-year-old Child Penetrates Thousands of Windows PCs
23 Feb [News] Puretracks Drops DRM
23 Feb [News] Critical Internet Explorer Flaw Returns to Life, Affects IE7
23 Feb [News] XBox Still Slaughtered by PS2, Which Now Costs Just 50 GB Pounds
23 Feb Re: American Express, clueless or fearful
23 Feb Re: Review of XFce 4.4 - with Translucency Effects
23 Feb [News] Linux Beats Windows on Battery Life and Wi-Fi?
23 Feb [News] Increasing Adoption of Open Source ERP
23 Feb [News] Hospital in Queensland Chooses Open Source
23 Feb [News] Open Source Has a Lingual Advantage Over Proprietary Software
23 Feb [News] Bexley District Plans Full Move to GNU/Linux
23 Feb [News] Review of Ubuntu Feisty Fawn and Many New Linux Releases
23 Feb [News] A Couple of Punches at Novell's Deal, from a Journalist
23 Feb [News] Dell PCs Could Become an Insult for Windows
23 Feb [News] Vista Rants Are Still All Over the Place
23 Feb [News] Linux KVM and Xen Intersection; Kernel Stats
23 Feb [News] Linux Gets New VoIP Recording Software
23 Feb [News] Even Patent FUD and Lockins Failed to Stop Nationwide Linux/OSS Migrations
23 Feb Re: [News] Eric Raymond Moves to Ubuntu Linux
23 Feb Re: [News] 19-year-old Child Penetrates Thousands of Windows PCs
23 Feb Re: [News] 19-year-old Child Penetrates Thousands of Windows PCs
23 Feb Re: [Roy Schestowitz Lies Again] Microsoft Acknowledges UAC is a Failure
23 Feb Re: Dell Users Ask for Linux and OpenOffice
23 Feb Re: Dell Users Ask for Linux and OpenOffice
23 Feb Re: [News] Patent Madness: Microsoft Owes $2 Billion for Using MP3 Format?
23 Feb [News] Novell Opens Door for Microsoft to 'Pull an Alcatel-Lucent'; MSFT to Drop
23 Feb [News] More Open Source Companies Choose the GPL for Profit
23 Feb [News] Dell Having Problems with Windows Vista
23 Feb [News] AMD Brings First Motherboard with LinuxBIOS Support?
23 Feb [News] US University Chooses Open Source for E-mail Accounts of 30,000 Users
23 Feb [News] Cisco Thinks Open Standards/Protocols Means Open Source; Skype Wants Openness Despite Hypocrisy
23 Feb [News] Sun Microsystems Sends Mixed Messages While Server Sales Improve
23 Feb Re: [News] Even Patent FUD and Lockins Failed to Stop Nationwide Linux/OSS Migrations
23 Feb Re: [News] Critical Internet Explorer Flaw Returns to Life, Affects IE7
23 Feb Re: [News] 19-year-old Child Penetrates Thousands of Windows PCs
23 Feb Re: Review of XFce 4.4 - with Translucency Effects
23 Feb [News] Screenshot Galleries of Latest Linux Releases
23 Feb [News] Hewlett-Packard Makes Money with Debian Linux; Verizon Supports Linux
23 Feb [News] Attempt at Xfce-KDE-GNOME Benchmark
23 Feb [News] New Version of 'Automatix for Debian GNU/Linux'
23 Feb [News] South Africa Continues Push Toward Linux Desktops with Homebred Software
23 Feb [News] Microsoft Does Not Pull Back Microsoft's Linux Threats
23 Feb [News] Corona IDE Gains Support for Linux
23 Feb [News] Linux-based Mail Marches On, Benefits Highlighted
23 Feb [News] Countries Migrate to Linux Under the Radar
23 Feb [News] Poor Security Could Cost Billions, Change the Web
23 Feb [News] CDs Don't Work in Vista, Work Fine in Linux
23 Feb [News] Large Finnish Migration to Open Source and ODF Materialises
23 Feb [News] Excellent Review of KateOS (Linux)
23 Feb [News] Nokia Happy With Debian Linux
23 Feb Re: [News] AMD Brings First Motherboard with LinuxBIOS Support?
23 Feb [News] Microsoft Uses O/S Monopoly to Erode Rivals' Market Share
23 Feb [News] "Microsoft Fanboy" Had Enough, Moves to GNU/Linux
23 Feb [News] Linux PC/Media Player Begins Shipping Today
23 Feb [News] Nice New Beryl/Kiba Video
23 Feb [News] Windows Calculator Sensitive to DDOS Attack
23 Feb [News] Fedora 7 Gets News Theme; Comparison with Ubuntu Linux
23 Feb [News] "Microsoft Will Be Defeated" -- the Web Site
23 Feb Re: Buggy, Anti-consumer O/S Forcefed to Customers
23 Feb Re: Turbolinux ships first Wizpy handhelds
23 Feb Re: O2Micro patent dual-mode controller ..
23 Feb Re: Why isn't anyone doing Marketing for FOSS ??
24 Feb [News] Novell Responds to Microsoft's Linux Threats
24 Feb [News] More "Windows Fanboys" Fall in Love with Linux
24 Feb [News] KDE 4 Approaches Final Goal (and Linus Loves KDE)
24 Feb [News] Half a Billion Children and Linux/Open Source
24 Feb [News] Grundig Releases New Linux-based Phone
24 Feb [News] Windows Vista is the Crossroad Leading to Linux
24 Feb [News] 'Google Office' and OpenOffice Interoperability Works
24 Feb Re: [News] AMD Brings First Motherboard with LinuxBIOS Support?
24 Feb [News] Another Lawsuit Against Microsoft (This Time "Office Live")
24 Feb [News] New "Highly Critical" Vulnerability Found in Office 2007
24 Feb [News] At Least 100,000 Businesses Have Dumped Microsoft Office
24 Feb Re: [News] Petition Created to Protest Against Microsoft's Overpricing in UK
24 Feb [News] Apple Software Has Kill Switch for Pirates
24 Feb [News] Microsoft in Push for Windows-only Tools in Enterprise
24 Feb [News] The Cost of Windows is Hidden, Linux Saves Money
24 Feb [News] Web Surfing Became Dangerous with Windows
24 Feb [News] Microsoft Gets in Trouble with VMWare Over Prebundling to Compete
24 Feb [News] Review of Miniature Linux PC (Wizpy) and Killer NIC (Linux-based)
24 Feb [News] Open Source is the Winner in Alcatel-Lucent vs. Microsoft Case
24 Feb [News] Good Year for Servers, Linux Included
24 Feb [News] Fedora Hits Back at Eric Raymond
24 Feb [News] On Conflicting Interests and Monpolies
24 Feb [News] Indian Linux Reaches Major Milestone Release, Sidux Reviewed
24 Feb [News] Buzzwords and Stereotypes in Open Source Software
24 Feb [News] Microsoft Says The Sky is Falling
24 Feb [News] Developers Reject Microsoft's Development Tools?
24 Feb [News] Open Source Push from Ubuntu and Google
24 Feb [News] Mac User Tries to Mimic Linux Looks
24 Feb [News] [SOT] Europe Innovation on the Rise
24 Feb [News] Microsoft Attempt to Make Newspapers Windows-only?
24 Feb [News] Vista Bugs and Rants (They Just Keep Coming)
24 Feb Re: "Microsoft Will Be Defeated" -- the Web Site
24 Feb Re: Petition Created to Protest Against Microsoft's Overpricing in UK
24 Feb Re: Apple Software Has Kill Switch for Pirates
24 Feb Re: [News] At Least 100,000 Businesses Have Dumped Microsoft Office
24 Feb Re: [News] Grundig Releases New Linux-based Phone
24 Feb Re: [News] At Least 100,000 Businesses Have Dumped Microsoft Office
24 Feb Re: [News] Microsoft Says The Sky is Falling
24 Feb [News] Microsoft Bug Overcharged Merchants
24 Feb [News] Microsoft Already Testing Windows-Killer (Pay-as-you-go PC)
24 Feb [News] Novell Insists that the FSF Won't Keep it Out of the Loop
24 Feb [News] The Imminent Death of (Windows) Live?
24 Feb [News] Programmers Get Fed Up With Microsoft
24 Feb [News] Another Man (Among So Many) Replaces Windows with Linux
24 Feb [News] Microsoft Outlook Drives Away Users
24 Feb [News] Another IE7 Security Issue?
24 Feb [News] New Linux Kernels Released; New Version of ParallelKnoppix
24 Feb [News] Linux Acts as Gateway on a USB Stick
24 Feb [News] Linux for World Domination, the Propietary Way
24 Feb Re: [News] On Conflicting Interests and Monpolies
24 Feb Re: COLA Stats: Saturday the 24th of February, 2007.
24 Feb Re: Microsoft Outlook Drives Away Users
24 Feb Re: MS: Open Source overlaps our IP ..
24 Feb Re: Windows Vista Not Available In Some Custom-Built Dell's
24 Feb Re: IBM not ready to say Oracle's Linux compatible
24 Feb Re: Programmers Get Fed Up With Microsoft
24 Feb Re: [News] Novell Insists that the FSF Won't Keep it Out of the Loop
25 Feb Re: why Dell Linux is more expensive than Windows ..
25 Feb [News] Dell Will Preinstall Linux
25 Feb [News] Free Linux is Being Sold in China
25 Feb [News] 73% of UK Businesses Attacked by Windows Spyware
25 Feb [News] Beautiful Games and Panels for Linux - Unadvertised, But They Are Out There
25 Feb [News] Garment Industry Takes the Open Source Approach
25 Feb [News] 400 Indian Schools May Teach Free Open Source Software
25 Feb [News] Web Site Launched to Demand Microsoft Lists (Non-existent) IP Violations
25 Feb [News] BitTorrent Comes to Mozilla Firefox; Open Source Music Through Torrents
25 Feb [News] Windows Vista Still Urges People to Use GNU/Linux
25 Feb [News] Linux Passes Requirements for Healthcare Framework
25 Feb [News] The Reason Web-based Office Suite May Have Upper Hand on Desktop office
25 Feb [News] Clarification on Linspire and ESR; Is Gentoo the Best Linux Distro for Learners?
25 Feb Re: Dell announcement
25 Feb Re: Micro$oft Up to Its Dirty Tricks Again
25 Feb Re: [News] Microsoft Already Testing Windows-Killer (Pay-as-you-go PC)
25 Feb Re: [News] At Least 100,000 Businesses Have Dumped Microsoft Office
25 Feb Re: [News] Microsoft Says The Sky is Falling
25 Feb [News] Lenovo Preloads Linux, But Gives Windows Dual-boot Option for Free
25 Feb [News] Sick of Piracy? Blame DRM
25 Feb [News] Cerf: The Move to Web-based Applications in Its Diapers
25 Feb [News] One Linux Web Site Alone Drove 3 Million Linux Downloads
25 Feb [News] New Release of Linux that Fits on a Floppy Disk (Expanded to Require USB Storage)
25 Feb [News] Washington Posts Covers the Increasing Adoption of Open Source Approach
25 Feb [News] Comparison of the Latest KDE and GNOME; Review of the Latest FreeBSD
25 Feb [News] Linux Puts PC with 14 Megabytes of RAM to Good Use
25 Feb [News] Sony's Linux Pages Exposed; Dell Urged to Lower Price of PCs with GNU/Linux Preinstalled
25 Feb [News] Linux Handles Videos Better Than Windows
25 Feb [News] Trying Vista, Returning to Windows XP
25 Feb [News] Windows Vista Perils in Desktop Adoption (or "How to Crash" Vista Every Time")
25 Feb [News] Windows Vista Interface/Usability Flaws
25 Feb Re: [News] Microsoft Outlook Drives Away Users
25 Feb Re: Apple Software Has Kill Switch for Pirates
26 Feb Re: Bexley (Ohio) schools go Linux?
26 Feb [News] Search Engines Reveal That People Love Linux (Unscientific)
26 Feb [News] Display Eater Goes Free Open Source After Dangers of Properietary Software Were Revealed
26 Feb [News] Sun Microsystems Becomes More Like Linux to Survive
26 Feb [News] Ubuntu Linux to Become Self-sustainable
26 Feb [News] Linux Loses Big Customer: SCO
26 Feb [News] Python Convention Opens with $100 Linux Laptop -- Programming Tool and Music Player
26 Feb [News] Getting a Superior Windows Replacement with Mandriva Linux
26 Feb [News] Getting Linux is Ideal for a New User
26 Feb [News] Ballmer's Quotes Behind the Scenes - Leaked by Mini Microsoft
26 Feb [News] Increasing Acceptance of Linux (and OSS) in the Enterprise
26 Feb [News] Beryl's Linux Eye Candy with 800MHz Processor, Modern Distribution
26 Feb [News] Vista-preloaded Laptop Bought, But "Not Ready for Prime Time"
26 Feb [News] The Equivalent of Buying SLED 10, Then Installing SuSE 7
26 Feb [News] Review of Ubuntu Shows That Even Linux Alphas Are Decent
26 Feb Re: [News] At Least 100,000 Businesses Have Dumped Microsoft Office
26 Feb Re: on Feb 24 2007 17:44:13 +0000
26 Feb Re: Tech Journalist Can't Even Install Ubuntu Linux? Ubuntu Linux SUCKS!
26 Feb Re: colatrolls.blogspot.com
26 Feb Re: Bexley (Ohio) schools go Linux?
26 Feb Re: [News] Dell Will Preinstall Linux
26 Feb Re: MS: Open Source overlaps our IP ..
26 Feb Re: Linux Loses Big Customer: SCO
26 Feb [News] Alpha of Alky Converts Windows Game to Linux
26 Feb [News] Exchange Server Bloodbath (Linux Server Wins Again)
26 Feb [News] Microsoft Aiming for 'Consolation price': FLOSS on Windows
26 Feb [News] Ohio Library Chooses Linux/OSS
26 Feb [News] User Tired of "Dumbing Down", Praises Linux
26 Feb [News] Netscape Founder Dumps Windows
26 Feb [News] New Linux Releases - GParted, Kubuntu Derivative Introduced
26 Feb Re: Roy Schestowitz is being PAID to SPEW the Groups.
26 Feb [News] CBC: MP3 Case Helps Justify Abandonment of DRM
26 Feb [News] Innocent Vista Buyers Locked Out of Their Own PCs? (False Positives)
26 Feb [News] When They Say Linux is Communism, Show 'Em This...
26 Feb [News] DRM Abandonment Leads Apple, Microsoft to 'Ransoms'
26 Feb [News] More on Windows-only Newspaper Content
26 Feb Re: Roy Schestowitz is being PAID to SPEW the Groups.
26 Feb [News] What Microsoft Promises, Markets But Does Not Deliver
26 Feb Re: Linux Loses Big Customer: SCO
26 Feb Re: Office Live, LLC Sues Microsoft for Federal Trademark Infringement
26 Feb Re: Roy Schestowitz is being PAID to SPEW the Groups.
26 Feb Re: Roy Schestowitz is being PAID to SPEW the Groups.
26 Feb Re: Office Live, LLC Sues Microsoft for Federal Trademark Infringement
26 Feb Re: [News] What Microsoft Promises, Markets But Does Not Deliver
26 Feb Re: So how many people use ubuntu?
26 Feb Re: "The Public Spoke..."
26 Feb Re: National Open Source Centre launches today in the Houses of Parliament
26 Feb Re: Microsoft's 'dirty tricks' archive turns into hot Torrent
26 Feb Re: [News] Sun Microsystems Becomes More Like Linux to Survive
26 Feb Re: why Dell Linux is more expensive than Windows ..
26 Feb Re: [News] Open Source is the Winner in Alcatel-Lucent vs. Microsoft Case
26 Feb [News] Review of the Latest KDE 4 Development Preview
26 Feb [News] Review of the Trolltech Greenphone
26 Feb [News] Linux Comes to Hospitals, Saves As Much As 60% in Costs
27 Feb [News] WIntel Could Take $2.2 Billion Slap on Face
27 Feb [News] Red Hat Gets Another Upgrade (5th in a Row)
27 Feb [News] Is Dell Staying Loyal to Microsoft and Changes Mind?
27 Feb [News] More Windows PCs Could Become Open to Hijackers
27 Feb [News] City of Zaragoza Abandons Windows, Switches to Linux
27 Feb [News] Microsoft Leads Itself to Own Demise; Vista/IE7 Vulnerabilities Investigated
27 Feb [News] Linux Users Don't Need Anti-virus Software
27 Feb [News] Europe's Investment in FLOSS Reaches 22 Billion Euros
27 Feb [News] National Gallery in Australia Chooses Linux
27 Feb [News] Vietnam Gets Ripped for Using Microsoft (and Notes on US Lobbying)
27 Feb [News] Sun co-founder Praises Open Source, x86
27 Feb [News] NASA Robotics and Linux; Linux Robot on TV
27 Feb [News] Database Benchmark Suite Released Under GPL
27 Feb [News] Microsoft Turns to Ruby for Endorsement?
27 Feb [News] Linux Penetration in the Workplace
27 Feb [News] Apple Works on Linux/Metisse-like Piles; Yahoo Wants Patent on Dynamic Pages
27 Feb [News] Microsoft on Fixing Holes That Should Not Exist in the First Place
27 Feb [News] Open Source (Not Proprietary) Virtualisation Set to Drive Linux
27 Feb Re: Microsoft's 'dirty tricks' archive turns into hot Torrent
27 Feb [News] Luring the Seller Rather Than the Poor Customer
27 Feb Re: Dell Does Linux
27 Feb Re: [News] Open Source is the Winner in Alcatel-Lucent vs. Microsoft Case
27 Feb Re: City of Zaragoza Abandons Windows, Switches to Linux
27 Feb Re: Microsoft to buy medical info search company
27 Feb Re: [News] 20-year Microsoft User Switches to Linux
27 Feb [News] More Companies Just Sued Over MP3, Except Linux Companies
27 Feb [News] Experts: Windows Vista is Vulnerable, Susceptible to Hackers
27 Feb [News] Why It's Important to Always Ask Sellers/Support for Linux (Visibility)
27 Feb [News] 3Com Considers Going with Open Source/Linux Product
27 Feb [News] Groklaw Down, Questions Arise
27 Feb [News] [SOT] Opening Up at AMD? Buyout?
27 Feb Re: Windows for Warships ..
27 Feb [News] Blackhats Scared Microsoft in Vista Tests
27 Feb [News] Gates Destroys IT Industry, Then Whines About Its State
27 Feb [News] Two Milestones for FLOSS and Freedom of Speech
27 Feb Re: [News] More Companies Just Sued Over MP3, Except Linux Companies
27 Feb Re: Groklaw Down, Questions Arise
27 Feb Re: [News] Groklaw Down, Questions Arise
27 Feb Re: [News] Blackhats Scared Microsoft in Vista Tests
27 Feb Re: Microsoft Turns to Ruby for Endorsement?
27 Feb [News] Philippines to Hold FLOSS Conference
27 Feb [News] Very Large Academic Publisher Adopts Free Open Source Software
27 Feb [News] Indiana High School Chooses Free Open Source Software
27 Feb [News] New Thin client from Devon Runs Linux
27 Feb [News] Malaysian Company to Deliver Linux-based Treo Lookalike
27 Feb [News] Release of Linux for Young People in Iran
27 Feb [News] Linux Server Revenue Growth: 15.3% This Quarter
27 Feb [News] IBM Sends DVDs Full of Linux Software
27 Feb [News] Microsoft to Bring Advertisements to Healthcare While Open Source Grabs Territory?
27 Feb [News] A Close Look at the Most Recent Fedora 7, with Virtualisation GUIs
27 Feb [News] Microsoft Linux Patent Claims Hurt Self More Than Linux
27 Feb [News] Linux is the Way Foward for Texas Instruments
27 Feb [News] Open Source (GPL Licence) Companies Mark Milestones, GPLv3 Imminent
27 Feb [News] Document Creation Technology Moved from Legacy Mainframes to Linux Servers
27 Feb [News] The Advantages of Free Software Distribution
27 Feb [News] Uptime Monitor Says "Linux Rules the Game"
27 Feb [News] Mozilla's Edge Attributed to Community-contributed Extensions
27 Feb [News] Ruby Benchmark Shows Linux Advantage; Another Review of Nokia's Linux-based Internet Tablet
27 Feb [News] Oxford Semiconductor to Deliver System on Chips with Linux
27 Feb [News] Krugle Code Search Runs on 120 Fedora Core Linux Servers
27 Feb [News] Windows Gets Linux-esque Elements
27 Feb [News] 3 Main Reasons for Vista's Failure
27 Feb [News] Medsphere Open-Source Healthcare Software
27 Feb [News] Windows Validation Nags, Errors, and Insults
27 Feb [News] Windows Device Driver Obsolescence Leads User to Linux
27 Feb [News] DVD Playback Issues in Vista
27 Feb [News] Piracy Remains Microsoft's Best Friend
27 Feb [News] Review of Knopperdisk 0.4.0 (USB-based Linux)
27 Feb [News] Linux Foundation's Reaches Standardisation Milestone with CGL 4.0
27 Feb Re: DFS responses; not technical; watered down
27 Feb [News] Another 'High Impact' Windows Vista Bug: Activation Over and Over Again (Just Like DRM)
27 Feb Re: [NEWS] Vista's UI is a 'step back,' analyst says
27 Feb Re: [NEWS] Million-seat open-source email rollout
27 Feb Re: Why Net Neutrality may be doomed...or not.
28 Feb Re: [News] More Companies Just Sued Over MP3, Except Linux Companies
28 Feb [News] Ubuntu 7.04 to Have Compiz Preinstalled, Ian Murdock Uses Ubuntu GNU/Linux
28 Feb [News] Wikipedia Founder Cites Linux as Open Source Success Story
28 Feb [News] Windows Trojans Leak into Blogs
28 Feb [News] UK IT Chiefs Prepared to Ditch Microsoft Office (and Choose an ODF Life)
28 Feb [News] Organisational Issues at Microsoft Continue
28 Feb [News] Here's a Reason to Use Linux in Germany
28 Feb [News] British Government is Still Against 'Pure' Software Patents
28 Feb [News] Microsoft Schools are Apparently a Flop
28 Feb [News] Big Deals for Linux/Open Source Databases
28 Feb [News] Sun Microsystems Gets Cozy with the Free Software Foundation
28 Feb [News] Almost $2 Billion Spent on Funding of (Free/Libre) Open Source
28 Feb [News] Iran Seeks Investment in Linux
28 Feb [News] Fedora 7 Test 1 Live CD, New Mutagenix, Thai Linux (LinuxTLE 8.0) Released
28 Feb [News] Edubuntu Linux Brought to Schools; Ubuntu Could Adopt New Installation Method
28 Feb [News] Linux Eye Candy Improves Usability: Drag-and-drop Example
28 Feb [News] Myth: Linux is Bad for the Economy
28 Feb [News] Microsoft Admits Being Left Behind
28 Feb [News] Review of Vector Linux, PlayStation 3 Yellow Dog Linux
28 Feb [News] The Latest Proprietary Software from Microsoft Said to Be "A Nightmare"
28 Feb [News] Microsoft Says It Will Stop Piracy, But Does the Opposite (Leniency)
28 Feb [News] Windows Incompatible with Its Own Documentation
28 Feb [News] Open Source Gives the User Ownership of Software and Data
28 Feb [News] More OSS Deploments in the Enterprise
28 Feb Re: VMware fires broadside at Microsoft
28 Feb Re: Windows adds 'maybe pirate' category
28 Feb Re: DFS responses; not technical; watered down
28 Feb [News] AT&T Cable Television Rollout Ruined by Microsoft Glitches
28 Feb [News] PlayStation Has Sold Almost 2 Million Units in North America Despite Shortages
28 Feb Re: [News] Windows Incompatible with Its Own Documentation
28 Feb [News] Breaking Evil Myths: Linux Users Can't Play; Can't Run Windows Applications
28 Feb [News] ZDNet Covers Ubuntu Linux, Misconceptions Battled
28 Feb [News] [SOT] AMD and ATI Release First Chipset to Fight the Unethical 'Microsoft of Hardware'
28 Feb [News] Windows Vista with a Few Apps = 905 MB of RAM
28 Feb [News] The Constant Obssession with Security... Not in the Linux World
28 Feb [News] Music Industry Still Plays Hardball with Customer
28 Feb [News] KDE Project Gets Large Funding Patron
28 Feb [News] Microsoft Uses Typos to Generate Revenue and Boost Market Share
28 Feb [News] Thoughts On Dell's Linux 'Hoax'
28 Feb [News] MP Criticises UK Government for Stifling Open Source Software
28 Feb [News] Lobbying in Washington Aimed to End US Software Patent Nonesense
28 Feb [News] Linux Can Help the Environment, Reduce Waste
28 Feb [News] Microsoft Acknowledges That Linux is Not Going Away
28 Feb [News] Victorian Government Departments Prefer Open Source Software
28 Feb [News] Women's Linux Users Group Set Up in New Zealand
28 Feb [News] Linux Doesn't Meed to Conquer Desktop Because the Desktop Becomes Passe
28 Feb [News] Sabayon Linux Scores 5 out of 5
28 Feb [News] Microsoft's Dirty Trick Could Users to Wine, Hurt Windows
28 Feb Re: MS Foundation Dumps all MS stock, betrays 70.000 employees, Bill invests in drugs
28 Feb Re: [Prediction] Ballmer will follow Bill off sinking ship in 2 years
28 Feb Re: [News] AT&T Cable Television Rollout Ruined by Microsoft Glitches
28 Feb Re: Help Me Understand the new Bittorrent
28 Feb Re: Suggestion on Red Hat Support Vendor
28 Feb Re: Bug-tracker/Project Management and v-tiger Integration
28 Feb Re: "then Microsoft Office is toast" (tail end of article) (re Google Apps)
28 Feb Re: [News] Windows Incompatible with Its Own Documentation
28 Feb Re: [News] Why It's Important to Always Ask Sellers/Support for Linux (Visibility)
28 Feb [News] Man Upgrades from Windows Vista to Windows XP
28 Feb [News] New XBox 360 Vulnerability; Latest WGA Cr4cked
28 Feb [News] Yet Another Site Names Vista a "Downgrade"
28 Feb Re: [News] Thoughts On Dell's Linux 'Hoax'
28 Feb Re: [News] Yet Another Site Names Vista a "Downgrade"
28 Feb Re: Securing Linux by breaking it with Damn Vulnerable Linux
28 Feb Re: [News] Dell backs down from Linux promise
28 Feb Re: cancel Mac Office 97 will immediately harm Apple ..
28 Feb Re: MS undocumentation ..
28 Feb [News] State of California Could Say Goodbye to Microsoft Proprietary Formats
28 Feb [News] US May Fix Broken Patent System
28 Feb [News] Op-Ed: Linux Avalanche on the Way
28 Feb [News] Linux Going Mainstream as More People Try It


22 Feb Re: [News] Man Tries Windows Vista, Vows to Never Try It Again

The Ghost In The Machine

21 Feb Re: [News] Man Tries Windows Vista, Vows to Never Try It Again
22 Feb Re: [News] Man Tries Windows Vista, Vows to Never Try It Again
22 Feb Re: [News] PCMag: 10 Most Annoying Things About Windows Vista
22 Feb Re: [News] Vista/Linux Video Advert... Not so "Wow"
22 Feb Re: [News] Vista Contains Rusty Code; Microsoft.com Down
22 Feb Re: [News] Vista Contains Rusty Code; Microsoft.com Down
22 Feb Re: Vista Contains Rusty Code; Microsoft.com Down
24 Feb Re: Linux Beats Windows on Battery Life and Wi-Fi?
26 Feb Re: Office Live, LLC Sues Microsoft for Federal Trademark Infringement
27 Feb Re: [News] What Microsoft Promises, Markets But Does Not Deliver
27 Feb Re: [News] Windows Gets Linux-esque Elements
28 Feb Re: [News] More Companies Just Sued Over MP3, Except Linux Companies
28 Feb Re: [News] Man Upgrades from Windows Vista to Windows XP


24 Feb Re: [News] Apple Software Has Kill Switch for Pirates

Tim Smith

22 Feb Re: [News] PS3 (Linux-ready) to Rip Microsoft in Spain Launch, Highest in Demand; Nintendo Sells the Most Consoles
24 Feb Re: "Microsoft Will Be Defeated" -- the Web Site
24 Feb Re: COLA Stats: Saturday the 24th of February, 2007.

William Poaster

22 Feb Re: [News] United Kingdom to Open an Open Source Policy Institute
28 Feb Re: DFS responses; not technical; watered down


21 Feb Re: We are already at end of proprietary code


23 Feb Re: College Chooses Open Source, Dumps Microsoft


21 Feb Re: More Women in an Open Source World
23 Feb Re: [News] Another Anti-virus Cockup Almost Leaves Windows Users Vulnerable
24 Feb Re: [News] Vista Bugs and Rants (They Just Keep Coming)
24 Feb Re: [News] Vista Bugs and Rants (They Just Keep Coming)
25 Feb Re: [News] Lenovo Preloads Linux, But Gives Windows Dual-boot Option for Free
25 Feb Re: [News] Windows Vista Interface/Usability Flaws

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