__/ [ fusion ] on Tuesday 20 February 2007 18:34 \__
> in my humble opinion, its time for the kids of Linux to get the horn
> out and make sure the "corruptus" of DC hear from you:a) with the BBC
> going Microsoft for video and net neutrality in neutral in DC,b) with
> ATT and Verizon going with proprietary software and Microsoft-Yahoo
> for their fiber optic while waiting to erase dsl and mobile phones
> refusing Linux, its time to complain and demand choices, even Barak
> (and family ) are already with the Hollywood Mafia up his --------, so
> there is no one out there, with Qualcomm in every mobile phone
> charging huge royalties and being the Jacobs of Qualcomm the partners
> of the Holywood studios and Geffen-Katzenberg, you can imagine who is
> going to be Vice-president, a stinking feeling of a sinking ship with
> windholes all over it, so its time to put Linux in every mobile phone
> and every laptop and every phone and cable connexion, its time for you
> kids to run for office and kick the crooks and the winholes out of DC,
> its time ! ...remember that the treason is in the staff of the House
> and Senate members, the committees is were the Lobby's of the above
> are lurking in the dark with sweet promises to stab you in the
> back,watch out for the friendly voices of democracy really working for
> the Roberts of Comcast, for Murdoch and the Geffen-Katzenberg-
> Zucker(NBC)-Karmazin-Lieberman-Emanuel-Lantos-Boxer-Collins-Harman
> club, a wonderful team of traitors ready to turn your USA Constitution
> into toilet paper for the Shas and Kach of the Knesset as well as the
> Oil-Mullahs of SaudiArabia, its all the money and power , a wonderful
> sandwich of cancer and death, so its time for Linux to the rescue!
Good post, but why one gigantic para?