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Re: [News] Another Security Bug Found in Windows Vista

On 2007-02-21, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> [I don't know if we mentioned this one in COLA. It's now new though.]
> Second Vista bug found!
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Microsoft are yet to comment on this security issue, but examples
>| of this exploit can already be found on the web. This site has an
>| example http://r33b.net/ - only look at it for a maximum of 10
>| seconds otherwise you will be infected.
> `----
> http://blog.the-dargans.co.uk/2007/02/second-vista-bug-found.html

<WINDUMMIE> OK, i can do this.

{klickety-klick-klick] OK, there.

One-one-thousand two-one-thousand three-one-thousand.....


Hmm....that's all I can count......


.....now what?


Oh, I know....one-one-thousand two-one-thousand three-one-thousand,
There. That should be /way/ less than ten seconds. Sure glad I'm a
smart Windows expert!


Linux: A culture of repair.
Windows: A culture of despair.

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