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Re: Troll Lull Alert!!!

  • Subject: Re: Troll Lull Alert!!!
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 16:35:30 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / Netscape
  • References: <fSrBh.1462$I46.1108@text.news.blueyonder.co.uk> <eraovn$ngl$1@aioe.org> <y8KdnVUhHPmxZUXYnZ2dnUVZ_h7inZ2d@bresnan.com>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [ Maverick ] on Monday 19 February 2007 01:06 \__

> Rafael wrote:
>> 7 wrote:
>>  >
>>  > Cola trolling has reached a Lull!!!
>>  >
>>  > No one trolls for micoshaft without asking for money.
>>  >
>>  > So what does this all mean?
>>  >
>>  > A. Micoshaft trolls have gone into hiding?
>> It is probably a combination of 2 things:
>> Perhaps Peter Koehlmann and a few other advocate LARTs have finally sunk
>> in?
>> From
>> /quote/
>> LART's Luser Attitude Re-adjustment Tool - (LART) Something large, heavy
>> and painful, used to respond appropriately to particularly annoying
>> lusers.
>> The alt.sysadmin.recovery FAQ recommends the following LARTs. A 2x4
>> works fine, but a real professional needs something a little more
>> effective. Unfortunately, this is a very personal thing, and no
>> consensus has yet been reached on the group. Everything from a simple,
>> 7.65mm Walther (for the Bond fans only, it's not a very good gun) to a
>> 155mm with depleted Uranium rounds has been suggested, some even going
>> for exotic things like Thermite, nukes or flamethrowers. For further
>> info, look at the rec.guns home page.
>> /-quote/
>> Or, employees and contractors for US companies are on holiday today?
>> This weekend is US President's Holiday.  Trolls take holidays, you know.
>> It will most likely be business as usual on Tuesday.

I was taking a wild guess and assumed they had decided to install Vista.
Gurus can do this in hours, advanced users require days (and many
game/application still don't work), average users require weeks. Wintrolls
are the lowest form apparently. They can install Vista under a rock for
years... so maybe we'll hear about their "Wow" experience before
Vienna/Windows 7 comes out... assuming it ever does.., as recently Microsoft
preferred to deny it, delighting memory candles that commemorate the Windows
projects. Many analysts said Vista would be the last of its kind. And
ironically, the last in the series is rather ugly... pretty much like
Windows ME. Allchin and Gates most certainly did /not/ retire at the
pinnacle of their careers.

> Have you no shame?
> Have you not enough of their filthy lucre?

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