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[News] Has Microsoft Used Vista to Make Its Products Work Better Than Competitors'

Only 104 Applications 'Vista Certified'

,----[ Quote ]
| Of the 787 listed, 103 are Microsoft's own products, indicating few
| software developers have completed the logo process.


Vista's User Account Control breaks Thunderbird updates

,----[ Quote ]
| So, I disabled UAC, and lo and behold, the Thunderbird automatic
| update installed itself. Thinking about it, I recently had the same
| problem with the last FireFox update and ended up downloading the
| updated setup file and installing it that manually. This is a big
| problem for UAC. If users don't see the Black Screen Of Doom then
| they probably won't realise that UAC is blocking the update
| silently, and will probably think that there's something wrong
| with the application instead. How many users will realise that
| UAC is responsible, or even know how to turn it off? Not many
| I'd wager.



Jury Hears Microsoft Competition Suit

,----[ Quote ]
| Conlin's first 3 1/2 hours of opening arguments delved deeply into
| computer industry history and how Microsoft fought off competitors
| attempting to design rival software.


Comes v. MS Antitrust Trial Begins in Iowa

,----[ Quote ]
| Here's part of what Allchin said about how to deal with the competitive
| threat from Novell then:
| "We need to slaughter Novell before they get stronger....If you're
| going to kill someone, there isn't much reason to get all worked up
| about it and angry. You just pull the trigger. Any discussions
| beforehand are a waste of time. We need to smile at Novell while
| we pull the trigger."
| [...]
| Conlin used a variety of computer-generated illustrations,
| including one that showed 15 icons, each representing what she
| said was an illegal action taken by Microsoft in pursuit of its
| bid to become and remain a monopoly. The icons had titles like
| "exclusionary contract," "technical sabotage," "buying out the
| competitition"...

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