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Re: [News] Microsoft Outlook Drives Away Users

__/ [ John Locke ] on Sunday 25 February 2007 08:26 \__

>>Is it me or does Outlook make you want to throw your computer out the
> It's not you. I have 12 installs of Outlook 2003 & its a pain.
> There's no global command to set the font in the message
> display for all folders.
> If you use extended mode caching, it takes a long time to update
> your local folders when you first invoke Outlook.
> Trying to write rules is a real challenge.
> The default "show in groups" & "double line display" drives me nuts
> and there's no global command (that I can find) to turn it off for all
> folders.
> A lot of buried options that should be up front....and on and
> on..........................

A Microsoft MVP weighs in:


                ~~ Best wishes 

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