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Re: [News] IE7 Release Spurs Downloads of Firefox

__/ [ Philip ] on Wednesday 10 January 2007 00:36 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Firefox or Internet Explorer? Why Not Both?
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Ironically, the release of IE 7, which I consider first rate, seems
>> | to be prompting a significant number of people to take a look at
>> | the competing free browser from Mozilla.org called "Firefox" that
>> | now is offering its 2.0.1 version.
>> `----
>> http://www.linuxinsider.com/rsstory/55047.html
> "Use them both...There's an awful lot to be gained by going through the
> refreshingly simple download and installation of Firefox 2 and running
> it alongside IE, which comes installed as part of Windows.
> I use one of the browsers for serious research and study while using the
> other browser when I get involved in stuff that seems at the leading
> edge and that might mess up the current session."
> What a dope. Use Firefox for both sessions...it never crashes. If you're
> really risk adverse use FF, Mozilla, Seamonkey and Opera. No need for
> IE7 at all.

Even if it ever did crash, there's sht SessionSaver extension, which I
believe an equivalent of which is not built into FF2. It's a browser, not a
girlfriend. One powerful browser is all one needs to keep the data (e.g.
cookies, bookmarks) aligned, without need for extensions for remote
centralisation of this data.

                        ~~ Best regards

Roy S. Schestowitz
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