Bobbie wrote:
> What is you goal in this group other than to play net nanny?
> Okay, we get that you're tiffed that Roy posts interesting articles.
Except that Roy does not post interesting articles. Looking at the ten
busiest articles (threads) from last week we get:
1: HDDVD/Bluray: stillborn or coma................................ :
2: On Unix File System's Case Sensitivity......................... :
3: Never was a truer statement made............................... :
4: [PLAGIARIST ALERT] wjbell - proven plagiarist.................. :
5: Security Flaws haunt OpenOffice and Adobe...................... :
6: troll alert ................................................... :
7: Happy New Year................................................. :
8: a tale of WinWoes ............................................. :
9: Linux Clusters: Where?!........................................ :
10: Top four reasons Windows wins and Linux loses.................. :
Not a single one of these threads was started by Roy. Not one. If you
take his shill Mark Kent out of the stats, on average Roy's posts
average less than one response per post. How is that intersting?
(Unless of course you personally find lies and misleading articles
Perhaps you're confusing quantity with quality?
> But please, you're beginning to look a lot like that old dishevelled guy
> wandering the downtown streets with a "The End Is Near, Repent" sandwich
> board around your neck.
This is clearly Roy's job and wjbell shouldn't try to take over his
monopoly. He spent the last year of his life wandering COLA with the
sandwich board around his neck telling everyone that Microsoft is
collapsing and that the "End is Near" for them. Given that every
quarter MSFT makes more Billions than the previous quarter, Roy is
about as credible as that dishevelled guy wandering around.