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[News] Here's Why Music Labels Can No Longer Survive

Brit pop star Allen won't change for America

,----[ Quote ]
| Pop singer Lily Allen knows precisely where she was when she first
| realized her "Smile" single was taking off in the United Kingdom:
| on the Internet.
| "I was in America and Jo Whiley played it on Radio 1 back home,"
| Allen said. "My MySpace (page) just went insane. It was first thing
| in the morning where I was, but there were hundreds of comments and
| I thought, 'This is it now."'
| [...]
| "I'd do songs, put them straight up (on MySpace) and if people
| liked them they went on the album," Allen said. "The record
| company didn't think my musical direction was right at all
| until I set up the site."


They cut the middleman. DRM and labels are pointless. The RIAA is a lost
cause and piracy is not the culprit.

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